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Thread: Pipe of the Day

  1. #6831
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    On that note.......smoking some MacBaren Virginia No.1 in the Peterson 317 and having some nice hot tea after a breakfast of Kielbasa and Mushrooms. Then it's off to work !Name:  002.jpg
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    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  2. #6832
    Senior Member spacemonkeyjon's Avatar
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    Smoking some Huntington from my local in a dr grabow color duke on snowy day in ..... may ?
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  3. #6833
    Senior Member IamSt8ght's Avatar
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    Thank you Nightblade, good words. I will be 50 this year, and my wife and I have some close friends who are in their 20's, so when I turn 80, they will be close to 60ish. Who knows, as you point out, longevity and health is uncertain for us all. I do hope I make it to 80 in the event I have grandchildren, great grandchildren, and so on, but I do live one day at a time, and I know each day has enough trouble or issues of it's own to worry too much about the future, and there are many blessings and joys experienced throughtout each day, at many different levels.

    You will know if I pull the trigger early on pipes, because I will post my first pipe smoking session here. My thought is to smoke a bowl in the evening, after work, while relaxing outside or grilling something, or while fishing (I combine hiking with fishing creeks and rivers in the Tahoe National Forest). Anyhow, right now I am very interested, but I am waiting to see if that interest will last. Thank you again!
    Nightblade and NoseWarmer like this.

  4. #6834
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IamSt8ght View Post
    Hello pipe guys. I have been thinking about smoking a pipe for years. I don't smoke, and I am pretty physically active. I run, cycle, play basketball, swim laps during the spring and summers, hike and fish. If I don't inhale, and smoke 1-2 bowls a day, do you think that will affect my running, cycling, etc? I've read different responses to this question on the internet, so I thought I'd ask you all. Thanks.

    BTW eTom, nice Jeep, and congrats!
    I'll also go devil's advocate. I'm not as active as I once was but this is more a matter of time than limited physical capacity. Even as a very young man, I smoked a pipe, dipped snuff and burned the occasional cigar. At no time did it limit my capacity for physical activity. Back then I ran up to 50 miles a week, cross country skied, rode a mountain bike and did a couple hour long swims per week and was never hampered in any way by my love of a pipe or two per day. If you stay away from cigarettes (i.e. inhaling tobacco smoke) you should be fine.
    Nightblade and NoseWarmer like this.
    The older I get, the better I was

  5. #6835
    Senior Member IamSt8ght's Avatar
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    Thanks 1OldGI, that is very encouraging. I will probably give it a try when I turn 50, like on my birthday, which is 6 months away. I'll put the word out to my wife and see if I get a pipe and/or some tobacco as a gift to get me started. Like many, I love the smell and scent of pipe tobacco, so I think it will be something I will enjoy.

  6. #6836
    vampire on a day pass wvloony's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IamSt8ght View Post
    Thanks 1OldGI, that is very encouraging. I will probably give it a try when I turn 50, like on my birthday, which is 6 months away. I'll put the word out to my wife and see if I get a pipe and/or some tobacco as a gift to get me started. Like many, I love the smell and scent of pipe tobacco, so I think it will be something I will enjoy.
    I'm surprised the 2 devils helpers didn't mention this, but seeing how you currently don't suffer from a vitamin N addiction, you would more than likely enjoy the more aromatic tobaccos. They have less vitamin N than the non aromatics. And as nosewarmer will tell yoy, buy a cob and start there, no break in is needed.
    always be yourself...unless you suck. Joss Whedon

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  8. #6837
    Real Live Barber chay2K's Avatar
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    Hey fellas, today it was Carter Hall in the Peterson St Patty's dublin. I'm about four bowls into this tobacco, and I've got to say that I'm really enjoying it-- nice and mild flavor, burns evenly, and is easy on the pocketbook; just a good go-to toby. Have a good one!
    Name:  IMG_20130502_151410.jpg
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    "The ability to reason the un-reason which has afflicted my reason saps my ability to reason, so that I complain with good reason..."
    -- Don Quixote

  9. #6838
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Two Vauen

  10. #6839
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    After Supper pipe.....Butz Choquin Diam pipe.......MacBaren Virginia No.1Name:  001.jpg
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    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  11. #6840
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    I do the same as you are wanting to do. I smoke about 1 bowl a day and it is on the front porch with the wife and we talk. Sometimes I grill and smoke or fish and smoke. Very relaxing. I am a fan of aromatics, which are low in nicotine and smell and taste nice. I smoked cigarettes for about 14 years. My breathing was labored constantly and my energy was always sapped. I always got Exc on my PT tests, but felt like death afterwards. I now find cigarette smoke and smoking to be vile. To me it smells like urine. I am sure that is due to all the chemicals in it. I haven't cigarette smoked in about 8 years, but my brother smokes cigs and they smell revolting to me now. I will stick to my pipe. It smells good, is not inhaled and is way more enjoyable and affordable. BTW Last night's pipe was the basket briar full of Celtic Vanilla on the porch while my son and daughter used their pocket knives to whittle sticks. I ordered 3oz. of Shortcut To Mushrooms and a mini churchwarden yesterday. Now it is a waiting game.

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