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Thread: Shoes

  1. #41
    Member moderngentleman's Avatar
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    My first pair of real dress shoes were purchased today. Also got the mandatory cedar shoe trees at the same time or else I would forget. Their first wear will be in Las Vegas on new year's, with my new medium grey suit. Here's a standard picture of my Allen Edmond Lasalle, in dark brown.

    Last edited by moderngentleman; 12-25-2012 at 02:29 AM.
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  2. #42
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    Now! That is a shoe!!!!! Smart thing on the shoe treees. They will add years to the life of the shoe. I once had a pair very similar to these in black. Excellent choice.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by gooser View Post
    back in the day mine were to the steel from kickin things and thinkin i was bad i ended up cuttin them out a bit and hittin them with emery cloth so i had a shine on the leather and the steel ... at one point i drilled holes in them and ran the metal studs out/ spikes of my leather jacket through them
    When I got married the only pair of footwear I owned and could afford was a pair of Engineer boots. I worked in a foundry and the idea was that if you got molten metal in your boot you could kick them off. Thank goodness I never had to try that theory. We went to Vegas to get married and while killing some time playing Keno I noticed that the black crayon matched my boots. Shiny toe problem solved!

  4. #44
    32t is online now
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    Just so you guys don't think that I own a pair of shoes. I had to dig to find these!

    I wasn't going to get out my dress pants.

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  5. #45
    Member moderngentleman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by d. m. ellington View Post
    Now! That is a shoe!!!!! Smart thing on the shoe treees. They will add years to the life of the shoe. I once had a pair very similar to these in black. Excellent choice.
    I'm not a fan of dark brown since, to me, they lack personality. But it's the only way to go with my suit because I don't want to do black. I almost bought some GORGEOUS Allen Edmond Strands in a lighter brown but it wouldn't have worked. If my tax return goes well, I'll be getting a tailored light grey glenplaid suit that would be perfect for them.

    edit: massive picture of actual

    Last edited by moderngentleman; 12-25-2012 at 03:12 AM.

  6. #46
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    Default Re: Shoes

    I'm a bit of a boot nut. My daily wear boots are a pair of black Dr. Marten's classics I bought back in 2001 (when the basic models were still made in England) or Dan Post brown cowboy boots. For hiking, I wear Asolo TPS 520s; I also wear them around town on bad weather days, but they have very thick soles and weigh in at around 5 lbs. each. My current dress shoes are a pair of black Bostonians. I'm currently looking for a nice pair of brown shoes or Chelsea boots to round out my collection.

  7. #47
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    Default Shoes

    +1 on the Vibrams. Thinking about getting a "dress pair" for sales mtg next month

  8. #48
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    I've always had a thing about handmade shoe's and boots since as far back as I can remember, and as a young Boy one of my favourite things to do on a Sunday evening would be to get out my shoes and give them a good polish, even back then I usually choose a brogue or a loafer style shoe, my love for fine shoe's as stayed with me all through my life, and there is no better leather and no finer shoe makers to be found anywhere in the world than the UK, we have so many to choose from we are spoilt for choice, I will leave you with some of my shoe's and boots.

    (1) Italian Handmade suede chukka boot
    (2) Grenson brogue in Champagne cognac
    (3) Alfred Sergeant Chelsea boot
    (4) Bexlely Handmade brogues


    “Wherever you’re going never take an idiot with you, you can always find one when you get there.”

  9. #49
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    I'm a Doc Marten Shoe kinda guy. I've had loads of their boots too - but I'm still killing a pair of old motorcycle boots.... Migth buy another pair of Doc boots when they'e dead...

    Otherwise I have a cunning plan to buy a pair of these shoes by Oliver Sweeney

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    Oliver Sweeney | Mens Designer Shoes, Outerwear and Accessories

    They do a return post shoe service too...
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  10. #50
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Wow! And to think I thought I was the last guy on the planet who dug wing tips it really is a very classy and classic look. Also a Doc Martin guy, extremely comfortable and very well made shoes and boots for sure. Of course being a Florida guy, I own several pairs of Sperry Topsiders they're a bit too casual to be worn with a suit (boat shoes and loafers) but not bad for business casual or weekend running around. I think my next serious footwear purchase will be a pair of Tony Lama Full Quill Ostrich boots
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