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Thread: Coffee Enthusiasts

  1. #621
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Kees van der Westen produced the most gorgeous lever-operated machine I’ve ever seen — the Mirage Idrocompresso — which was discontinued in 2015 due to the unfortunate popularity of the whiz-bang variable pressure profiling machines.

    Name:  7A8BA0F7-6202-4CD8-8FBD-29C5F6CE97DB.jpeg
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    Ironically and sadly, the only “pressure profile” I’ve ever seen coffee shops use is the vaunted “lever profile.” Sort of reminds me how DE razors killed off straight razors despite the straight’s ability to provide a better, more enjoyable shave.

    Last edited by Speedster; 11-19-2017 at 07:15 PM.
    MODINE, Geezer, eddy79 and 2 others like this.

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  3. #622
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    One thing I forgot to mention is that a small lever machine like the LaPavoni, Cremina, and Microcasa can warm to steaming temperature in very few minutes.
    Only a couple liters at most warm. And 1KW + to do it.

    Some pump machines can take 20 minutes or more. Consumer steam machines and some pump machines can do better than a large boiler(s)can.
    It is watts per liter of water + weight of the boiler material and group that make the difference. Many small machines have a boiler/group combination that heats faster.

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  5. #623
    Giveaway Guy Dieseld's Avatar
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    Well I ordered the lever machine. Got an open box discount on it and saved $300. It was used for a photo shoot. And the grinder as well. Went with the one without the “weight” option. No need to have the grinder weigh the grounds. I have a good scale for that already. So looking forward to getting on the road to making my own Espresso and learning this fine art

    Thanks again Richard. Your help and advise was very very useful
    Look sharp and smell nice for the ladies.~~~Benz
    Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring ― Marilyn Monroe

  6. #624
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dieseld View Post
    Well I ordered the lever machine. Got an open box discount on it and saved $300. It was used for a photo shoot. And the grinder as well. Went with the one without the “weight” option. No need to have the grinder weigh the grounds. I have a good scale for that already. So looking forward to getting on the road to making my own Espresso and learning this fine art

    Thanks again Richard. Your help and advise was very very useful
    Don't forget pictures when you get it or we don't believe you

    After weighing beans for many years I got the Vario-W and I'll tell you it's a real convenience.
    Geezer, rolodave and Dieseld like this.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  8. #625
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dieseld View Post
    Well I ordered the lever machine. Got an open box discount on it and saved $300. It was used for a photo shoot. And the grinder as well. Went with the one without the “weight” option. No need to have the grinder weigh the grounds. I have a good scale for that already. So looking forward to getting on the road to making my own Espresso and learning this fine art

    Thanks again Richard. Your help and advise was very very useful

    "What was that?"

    "Dave disappearing down the rabbit hole - jumped in with both feet!"

    It's probably a good thing I don't have any extra cash these days, as I'd no doubt be doing the exact same thing. For now though, I'll have to enjoy your adventure vicariously!
    Geezer, rolodave and Dieseld like this.

    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
    This was and still is my favorite combination; beautiful, original, and worn.
    -Neil Young

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  10. #626
    Member... jmercer's Avatar
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    We've had our La Povoni lever for 20 some years with minimum of four cups a day. Took some practice to get the grind, cup pack and lever pull just so. Loads of crema once we got the drill down. Only two services in that time. We found leaving on for too long slowly cooked the gaskets the first couple of years. Now it is only on while pulling a cup and then off. Went 15 year before next service. We have Peet's Italian roast beans delivered in mail with in 48 hours of roasting. In the stores Peet's one to two weeks old.

    Name:  LaPovoni1.jpg
Views: 148
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    Shave the Lather...

  11. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to jmercer For This Useful Post:

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  12. #627
    Member... jmercer's Avatar
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    Much like SR shaving, lever pulls are an art as far as I'm concerned. The grind, cup pack and pull have to be learned. When you find the sweet spot, it is like hitting a home run. You know just by the sound and feel it is going out of the park and you have that perfect crema and a perfect shave.

    [reply to Speedster's post]
    Shave the Lather...

  13. #628
    Giveaway Guy Dieseld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Don't forget pictures when you get it or we don't believe you

    After weighing beans for many years I got the Vario-W and I'll tell you it's a real convenience.
    I was trying to keep the cost down as much as possible. And I hope I don't regret not getting the weight option.
    And of course there will be pictures. I know how much we all love them

    Quote Originally Posted by Cangooner View Post

    "What was that?"

    "Dave disappearing down the rabbit hole - jumped in with both feet!"

    It's probably a good thing I don't have any extra cash these days, as I'd no doubt be doing the exact same thing. For now though, I'll have to enjoy your adventure vicariously!

    Is there any other way to jump down a rabbit hole
    Hope you enjoy my learning experience. I'll be posting questions and my success as well as failures here

    Quote Originally Posted by jmercer View Post
    We've had our La Povoni lever for 20 some years with minimum of four cups a day. Took some practice to get the grind, cup pack and lever pull just so. Loads of crema once we got the drill down. Only two services in that time. We found leaving on for too long slowly cooked the gaskets the first couple of years. Now it is only on while pulling a cup and then off. Went 15 year before next service. We have Peet's Italian roast beans delivered in mail with in 48 hours of roasting. In the stores Peet's one to two weeks old.
    Beautiful machine there, I consider these works of art!
    And thanks for the info on the gaskets and the link to a great roaster as well
    Geezer and Cangooner like this.
    Look sharp and smell nice for the ladies.~~~Benz
    Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring ― Marilyn Monroe

  14. #629
    Giveaway Guy Dieseld's Avatar
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    Well tracking says the machine will be here tomorrow.........then I'll get to make my first mistakes Thursday morning

    Roasted some coffee yesterday to use. I read that it's best for the coffee to be 3 days old for the best use in these machines. I can understand that, as fresh and with in a day, you still get the volcano affect.

    Stay tuned..........
    Geezer and Cangooner like this.
    Look sharp and smell nice for the ladies.~~~Benz
    Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring ― Marilyn Monroe

  15. #630
    Senior Member Deeter's Avatar
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    PULL lever action machines are my favorite. Beautiful to look at, hand crafted, and delicious coffee.
    Last edited by Deeter; 11-21-2017 at 02:48 PM.
    Speedster and Dieseld like this.
    Hyperbole is highly exaggerated.

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to Deeter For This Useful Post:

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