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Thread: Bay Rum Parade "AtC"

  1. #111
    Member Redbeard's Avatar
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    Never thought of using any cologne as an after shave rinse or for that matter a sponge bath scent. Makes sense though. Though my wife is not fond of the way it smells on me I still have a little from Bonny Dune Farms Mehan (sp) line which I use sparingly. I will, however, pick up a bottle of Dominica or Royall as the opportunity presents itself ( he he he )
    Last edited by Redbeard; 07-24-2013 at 05:25 PM. Reason: wording
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  2. #112
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redbeard View Post
    Never thought of using any cologne as an after shave rinse or for that matter a sponge bath scent. Makes sense though. Though my wife is not fond of the way it smells on me I still have a little from Bonny Dune Farms Mehan (sp) line which I use sparingly. I will, however, pick up a bottle of Dominica or Royall as the opportunity presents itself ( he he he )
    If you get the Dominica, read the little tag that comes with the bottle. I have read reviews abroad from Islanders who grew up with Bay Rum and they use it for more than an AS.
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  3. #113
    (John Ayers in SRP Facebook Group) CaliforniaCajun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scookum View Post
    Just got my latest order of stuff which included ogallala bay rum aftershave and a bottle of ogallala bay rum double strength cologne. Is it me or do they have a stronger scent than dominica bay rum?
    I agree with you. In fact, I smell the cork stopper as much as the bay rum in my Dominica. Not that it's bad, but Ogallala definitely has the stronger scent.

    Straight razor shaver and loving it!
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  4. #114
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    I find the Dominica short lived, but it definitely makes for a nice base and other applications. I full well know it's biased, but I still can't come to grips with the fact that some would not like the scent of BayRum ?? To me that's like saying you hate.....Key Lime Pie or Rum raisin Ice cream......oh I love those !! So glad this thread did not get lost. +1 Glen !
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  5. #115
    Senior Member Vegita182's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alraz View Post
    Continuing my quest for the best Bay Rum, I came across the St. Johns Bay Rum. This products comes to us directly from, you guessed it, the Virgin Islands (St. Thomas). I was very excited when I received this one as a present last night. The presentation is beautiful and my initial impression was also positive. St. Johns Bay Rum has more complexity than other examples when smelled in the bottle. It has more cinnamon notes than any other Bay Rum I have tried. It also has some citrus notes to support the main character of the scent. After I shaved this morning, I used a normal amount of St. Johns Bay Rum (I know this does not tell you much but it only means that I did not use more or less than I normally use) and prepared myself for another Bay Rum treat. Well, the results were satisfactory as this products has a nice complex profile that includes a prominent but not overpowering allspice supporting role in the scent. It also seems to last longer than its cousins but it is still very subdued ;-). However, this one does not have the explosiveness of other Bay Rums; it is not so medicinal and intense when you apply it to the skin. St. Johns Bay Rum comes in 4 different "flavors". I only tested the classic/original scent. I certainly like this product but I have to say that it is a bit atypical for a Bay Rum. At a retail price of around $40 this may not be your everyday Bay Rum but one worth trying, especially if you are looking for something slightly different. This product is not as easy to find as other Bay Rum products.

    Al raz.
    found this at a men's clothing store in my city, they also sell the same brand bay rum soap bars for 10 dollars. I can't justify paying for the cologne just yet but definitely going to try the soap.

  6. #116
    Senior Member RVShave's Avatar
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    Nice collection Glen, I really liked the original Pinaud so thought I'ld try the Bay Rum and love it , good thing as I got the large bottle. As I make room in my cabinet I'll have to try some of the others. I haven't been able to find the Ogallala, anyone know where to find it?

  7. #117
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RVShave View Post
    Nice collection Glen, I really liked the original Pinaud so thought I'ld try the Bay Rum and love it , good thing as I got the large bottle. As I make room in my cabinet I'll have to try some of the others. I haven't been able to find the Ogallala, anyone know where to find it?

    John still has his Ebay store running Enjoy

    Bay Rum, Cologne items in Ogallala Bay Rum store on eBay!

    Also just so you know I am not happy with you in searching for his link I saw a couple of Bay Rum's that I don't have or ever even heard of hehehe
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  8. #118
    Senior Member Chalito's Avatar
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    I don't know if anyone has already mentioned it, but Layrite bayrum aftershave is great. Really strong at first but then soothes really well. Good scent as well.

    Layrite No. 9 Bay Rum Aftershave, 4 oz Bottle
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  9. #119
    Senior Member RVShave's Avatar
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    Guess you're going to have to build a cabinet just for your Bay Rums
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  10. #120
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Anyone know where a good quality Bayrum candle can be found ? Just a thought.
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