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11-24-2015, 09:54 PM #61
If I don't like it for what ever reason I don't post unless they specifically ask for it. If something is obviously wrong I think a pm is thing to do. If the guy decides it needs to be fixed he should be able to let the maker have a chance to rectify it before he gets outed.
I wonder if maybe having a sticky made on what to look for when you're having a custom done. Something that will educate the uneducated as to what you should expect and to be able to convey that in their conversation with the maker.
I know in my business it is paramount that I not only know what the client wants but that I am capable of performing the task to their standards and expectations. This is all done with emails and pics of my work etc... Everything is documented and there for we are both protected in case I misunderstood or they did its all there.
I am currently having a custom made and it is nothing like what I wanted when I first started shaving with a straight. Balance and usability far out weighed any aesthetics, only because I developed a much narrower idea of what kind of razor I like. That being said I went with a reputable and well experienced smith. The only reason I was able to make better decisions than I would have is all the shared experience on SRP.
With that all being said if you're not willing to arm yourself with as much information and experience that is available I don't really feel sorry for you if you get a custom and it isn't usable because A) you didn't take the time to actually figure out what works and design accordingly B) confirmed with people here whether through pm or thread if the smith you are looking at using is worth a crap.
It's much easier to ask before it's made if your design will be easy to shave with and if the smith is up to the task.
Require a narrow even bevel, a good HT, an edge that is parallel to both sides of the spine, etc...
The Following User Says Thank You to jfk742 For This Useful Post:
gssixgun (11-25-2015)
11-24-2015, 10:01 PM #62
I agree that jumping straight to a custom razor is asking for trouble even if you know what we know regarding blade geometry, balance etc. You still need to know what you like. If you find that you get on best with a 5/8 hollow ground then ordering a 10/8 wedge would be a bad investment.
Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast
The Following User Says Thank You to edhewitt For This Useful Post:
gssixgun (11-25-2015)
11-24-2015, 10:19 PM #63
Interesting comment Ed, I do not own a custom and was interested in acquiring one, but also realized that for the less money I could choose from already-made fine vintage razors. I recently bought a pair of near-NOS Le Grelots here on the classifieds that satisfy me as much if not more than a custom, same for my NOS Tanifuji Silver Steels.
If I did pop for a custom, it would most likely be a Brian Brown, a fellow Tennessean.
Cheers, Steve
11-24-2015, 10:40 PM #64
I always ask myself one question: WWGD (what would Glen do?)
Joking partly aside, it depends how they present it. Are they describing it inaccurately when compared to its photo? Are they asking for feedback? Do I know the purpose of their post? Is it a vendor? Maybe it's a test to see who will be honest and who is just blowing smoke?
If this happens in chat, it's often very easy to establish what the person is looking for because of the quick q&a response time (assuming someone is active), so it feels more natural in that setting to provide need-based feedback on the fly than it does here on the forum
And then at the back of my mind is of course the mindfulness of the no-vendor-bashing rule. To say something along the lines of "wow, looks like the maker accidentally shipped it to you before he was done" might be approaching that fine line. Or even the jovial "wow, I wouldn't give you a plug nickel for that!" could run afoul of the no-evaluations rule. One must be ever mindful, for sure.Find me on SRP's official chat in ##srp on Freenode. Link is at top of SRP's homepage
The Following User Says Thank You to hoglahoo For This Useful Post:
gssixgun (11-25-2015)
11-24-2015, 10:59 PM #65
The Following User Says Thank You to 32t For This Useful Post:
gssixgun (11-25-2015)
11-24-2015, 11:12 PM #66
11-24-2015, 11:36 PM #67
My philosophy.
Call a wedge a wedge & call a spacer a departure from functionally acceptable design.The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.
The Following User Says Thank You to onimaru55 For This Useful Post:
gssixgun (11-25-2015)
11-24-2015, 11:37 PM #68
On a watch site I'm a member of there is an unwritten rule. If someone posts about a new watch they just acquired and asks for opinions you NEVER say anything bad about it.
Now you can beat around the bush and say some off color things that would seem to indicate there are things you don't like about it or that the owner might address however that's as far as you go.
Some folks ask for opinions only because they want reinforcement they made a good decision and if the get the truth they can't take it. Others of course want the real truth and can take it.
Since you don't know who is who unless the individual is a good friend who you know well you are better of showing discretion in those cases.No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero
The Following User Says Thank You to thebigspendur For This Useful Post:
gssixgun (11-25-2015)
11-24-2015, 11:38 PM #69
Perhaps the buyer of a custom should stick around this forum long enough to perform his due diligence concerning reputable makers. Is brutal honesty the best policy ? I am not quite sure. My opinion on a razor does not carry the weight of myriad other names and for obvious reasons we certainly do not see many well known custom makers clamoring to express opinions on their brethren's work. But if any of the rank and file are sufficiently thick skinned and can survive the slings and arrows of the butt hurt buyer and probably the razors maker , I say go for it ! Maybe it is not anyone's job, Maybe its everyone's . .. Excuse me while I climb back up and sit on the fence.
"It is easier keeping a razor honed than honing a razor."
The Following User Says Thank You to Wirm For This Useful Post:
gssixgun (11-25-2015)
11-25-2015, 12:06 AM #70