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Thread: Sun June 26th - Sat July 02nd
06-28-2011, 02:33 PM #111
Shave prep: Face wash
Brush: Frank Shaving Finest Badger
Soap: Palmolive shave stick / Palmolive shave cream / glycerine
Scuttle: Robert Becker medium
Razor: Old mystery sheffield wedge, 6/8 wedge barber's notch
Strop: nun2sharp's hanging leather strop
After Shave Splash: Florida water
Notes: Smooth smooth smooth. And BBS on top. No complaints, pure comfort. Why I have not tried the uberlather combo before I do not know, it was really great. Perhaps because the soap is in stick form I've face lathered with it, mainly. This time I just rubbed it in the bottom of the scuttle a bit, that left more than enough in there I could start the soap.
Best of luck to you all, guys!
06-28-2011, 02:45 PM #112
Woke up late for work and was gonna skip the shave, but decided thatonce you're late, there's no difference between 15 minutes and 55 minutes.
Pre-shave: Morning Burst facial scrub
Razor: Boker 'Our Own' 5/8 square point, honed by Utopian
Brush: AOS pure badger
Soap: Shave Den unknown, but smells like Bay Rum
Strop: Tony Miller latigo/linen
Balm: Shea Moisture's Shave Butter
Glad I took the extra time to shave this morning. This razor seems to surprise me a little more each time. If ever there was an example of when to use zero-pressure, it would be this blade. Super close shave, BBS all around, DFS on the neck. Silky smooth and ready to go.
06-28-2011, 03:11 PM #113
Week of June 26 SOTD - Tuesday
Pre-Shave: Hot shower Brush: 30mm Morris & Forndran, 2-band, Blonde Badger Razor: 13/16" Kikuteru Frameback, Wedge, Spike Point (Faux Ivory scales) Honing Regimen: Naniwa 1k, Shapton Pro 1k/2k/5k/12k, CrOx Balsa Strop (7 light strokes) Strop: 35/55 laps (Neil Miller linen / SRD Premium IV leather) Überlather: Al's Custom Shave creme Toner: Thayer's Witch Hazel (Rose Petal, no alcohol) Moisturizer: Trumper's Fragrance-free Moisturizer After Shave Splash: Floïd Italian Blue AS Cologne: Acca Kappa "Hibiscus" EdT Results: I had not shaved with this Japanese Kikuteru for some time now. To remedy the situation, I refreshed her edge using the CrOx balsa strop (the honing had already been done some time ago using regimen outlined above). The M&F brush is huge, but I really love this size brush now ...She handles quite nice. She had a blast dancing in Al's shaving creme. She whipped up a heck of an überlicious lather
. The pre-shave preparation was just "perfect". The Kikuteru wiped the whiskers effortlessly. Quite a smooth shave indeed
Have an AMAZING Tuesday Gentlemen.
06-28-2011, 03:17 PM #114
Great shave Julian
I know the feeling all too well Paul, LOOOL. Nice honing regimen buddy. I didn't know about 0.125µ Diamond.
Beautiful Tom
This is by far one of the most beautiful straight razors I have seen. She is stunning. It would be a shame that you don't use or any other straight her more often simply because of technical difficulty. Just keep trying and practice buddy. Trust me, when it comes together (and it will), you will wonder why you ever bothered with a DE in the first place.
Wooo Hooooo. Two Red Points in a row in two days. What a treat. Well done Béla.
+1...Wise advice
Just good?! With the hardware/software you have today, that sounds more like a FANTASTIC shave
You're welcome buddy...As to the comparison, they are very different. The Lavender is almost pure lavender and the Vetyver very raw and woodsy (to me) with a citrusy overtone to it. I really like them both
Those are more words of wisdom. 52 years young? You have another 52 years (at least) to go. The idea is to step outside your comfort zone (just briefly). It soon will become your new comfort zone.
Woooo Hooooo Mikael,
It's Sandalwood galore today. FANTASTIC choice.
Thank you kindly my friend. And thank you as well for the info on the Somerset.
Beautiful shave Birnando. Is this surgery on your leg? Don't let those docs cut too deep my friend. Tell them you have friends with lots of sharp objects, LOOOOL. I pray for a quick and successful surgery and an even quicker recovery.
That is a shave worthy of the Gods. beautifully done mate. Al's creme rocks, BIG time...and that razor? Well, "out of this world" nice
Blasphemy...on a weekday as well?? Hmmmmm....I don't know if I would trust an unshaven lawyer, LOOOOL. Enjoy your day Bill
Now that sounds like one heck of a shave.
Best of luck GI. I have my fingers/toes X-ed for you
WoooHooo...You must be excited and anxious all at the same time. Go get them Grant
What a day this must have been indeed. Well done brother. Great razor too
Ahhhhh Sten,
The virtues of uber...WHat a great feeling, eh? Well done my friend
Kudos my good man...Not even work should get between a man and his shave. Congrats
06-28-2011, 03:25 PM #115
06-28-2011, 04:02 PM #116
Let me introduce you to my friend Hans...Otto Deutsch Hans. I recently acquired him on ebay. It was the first time I saw a razor and had to have it no matter the cost because it was a thing of beauty. Being new to straights I'd never heard of Otto Deutsch before, but let me tell you I will never forget that name now! I want to grab every man who shaves with a modern multi-blade razor and shake him. "Do you feel like a million bucks after you shave?" "Do you look forward to shaving everyday and take extra time to do it?"
Because baby, I do!!
I think this is the closest shave I've ever had! Best part is, I restored the blade, scales and honed it myself! All I've got are the Norton stones and a cheap Chinese 12k from Woodcraft, but this razor took an edge like none I've ever encountered.
The soap I used as from the Beer Soap company (Sam Adams Double Bock and Bay Rum...2 of my favorites!). It was not a performer though. By the time I lathered up and finished the first pass on my cheeks, my neck had dried and the suds were gone...oh well. Hans had no trouble with the stubble anyhow.:
I finished up with my favorite Bay Rum variety of aftershave and cologne: Burts Bees.
Last edited by tumtatty; 06-28-2011 at 04:11 PM.
06-28-2011, 04:09 PM #117
It is hot today in Holland (30-35 degrees).
Just shaved with a cool result.
Pre Shave: Face washed with hot water
strop: 40 cotton, 60 leather
Brush: FS fine badger
Soap: MB Iceberg Ice
razor: Goshen cutlery 11/16
Aftershave: Givenchy Play
And now ice an ice cold beer!!... cheers
06-28-2011, 04:42 PM #118
As always the true gentlemen Robert kind words full of praise for each and everyone, I must say yet again you pull the rabbit from the hat, another bobby dazzler of a razor from Robert, and I will say this the Celticcrusader simply loves Japanese steel.
Jamie.Last edited by celticcrusader; 06-28-2011 at 04:51 PM.
06-28-2011, 04:53 PM #119
Nice to see another RP!!!!
Razor: Alex Jacques Custom, 8/8" Damascus steel, Spanish Point.
I use the wicked edge kinife sharpener and go all the way down to 0.025 Micron diamond!!!
I don't think a razor as thin as it is would do well with it though... honestly I'm still not sure if the 0.125 makes it to harsh. Under a loop it looks great. Hmmm maybe a heavy wedge though........"We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."
06-28-2011, 05:34 PM #120