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Thread: Sun October 14th - Sat October 20th

  1. #171
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Hot shower prep
    Razor: COOPER "Flip Top" ~1937
    Soap: Home blended Bay Rum glycerin
    Mug: 1900's glass and a ceramic soup cup
    Brush: Col Conk Badger
    Aftershock: none
    Splash: NOS HESS "Rose Face Lotion"

    A nice, very close, shave in two and a touch-up. The Col Conk badger was smooth and had very little backbone. It appears to be China made from the look of the wood handle. Smells like a ???? It performed well and I used it with my method of dealing with a soft brush and hard soap. The soap gets a couple mm of hot water on it before I shower. The soup cup goes into the sink basin of hot water upside down and supports the cup of soap. The soap cup does not go low enough to get water in it.
    Wet the brush with hot basin water and fill the brush from the cup and work up a
    lather in the now wet and hot bowl.
    A couple of firsts today. The COOPER razor came my way through an internet challenged local antique dealer. He traded it to me for some of my time checking ebay prices for some of his goods. The Cooper razor, as originally marketed, was a three piece and used proprietary blades. They found that Gillette had the market and designed this razor to use regular DE blades. The blade cover swings over the blade on the pins in the head and is pulled down by twisting the end of the handle. It requires a thin blade! It is very aggressive but forgiving. There are no blade stops to protect the shaver. The extra length of the head places the corners of the blade on top of the comb teeth and covers the corners of the blade well.

    The fun of trying things makes the day go a bit better and quicker!

  2. #172
    Senior Member Optometrist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tONe2 View Post
    My first post to the Shave of the Day thread!
    Welcome to the SOTD and a fabulous way to start!

    "Difficulties mastered are opportunities won" - Winston Churchill

  3. #173
    Senior Member Arioch's Avatar
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    Myrurgia : Simpson PJ2 Two Bands : Heljestrand MK nš32 ivory scales : Geo.F.Trumper Spanish Leather

  4. #174
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    TI Razor-Eucrist Soap-Tea Tree Oil Emulstion-Lucky Tiger Face Tonic and Aftershave

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    Started with a JR Torrey Extra Hollow, found out it does not work for me. It just feels like a toy compared to my other razors. I think this razor is really suited for people with wispy whiskers which the directions substantiate. Switched to the TI halfway through the 1st pass. I have not used to tree oil in awhile but it works good as astringent. Coupled with the Lucky Tiger my face is feeling great.

    From their stillness came their non-action...Doing-nothing was accompanied by the feeling of satisfaction, anxieties and troubles find no place

  5. #175
    Senior Member IamSt8ght's Avatar
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    Prep: 25 mile bike ride
    Razor: 8/8 Wade & Butcher pitted pleasure
    Brush: AOS Find Badger
    Cream: Spencer & Devon Sagebrush
    A/S: Alum Block, Floid Blue

    Result: After putting in 25 miles in the foothills of the Sierras, the Sagebrush scent just felt right. Great shave. I picked up this razor when I was a noobie. Probaby would pass on it now because it was in pretty bad shape, lots of rust and stuff. Well, it cleaned up good, and the scales are in great shape, and what remains is a pitted 8/8 serious shaver. This edge has never failed me. Unbelievebly silky smooth, gentle, and allows me to get BBS with little effort. Have a good Thursday!

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  6. #176
    Senior Member paciccio's Avatar
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    Pre shave: hot shower
    Brush: Simpson Duke3 Silvertip
    Soap: Penhaligon's english fern
    Razor: Medusa Inox 440c Custom Made
    Strop: Self Made

  7. #177
    Stropping Addict Scookum's Avatar
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    For Tomorrow

    DORKO 7/8 | Irisch Moos AS | Kangaroo Strop | Harris Marlborough Cream

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    I dream of a world where a chicken can cross a road without having it's motives questioned.

  8. #178
    I'm a social vegan. I avoid meet. JBHoren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scookum View Post
    DORKO 7/8 | Irisch Moos AS | Kangaroo Strop | Harris Marlborough Cream
    Amazing photo! I am awestruck.
    Mvcrash likes this.

  9. #179
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    Location: Ottawa, Ontario
    Razor: Wade & Butcher For Barbers Use 17/16
    Brush: Whippeddog silvertip
    Soap: Mama Bear Canadian Spruce Needle
    Scuttle: Robert Baker 002 in Lava Slate
    Shave: 3 passes, WTG/XTG/ATG
    Astringent: Alum
    A/S: Clubman Pinaud
    Reading Material: Henry Ellis' 1812 edition of the later, Yorkist, version of Hardyng's Chronicle

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    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
    This was and still is my favorite combination; beautiful, original, and worn.
    -Neil Young

  10. #180
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    Pre - Warm Shower; Pacific Shaving Co. Shave Oil
    Strop - RupRazor Filly
    Razor - 6/8 Kropp
    Soap - SRD Vetiver
    Brush - Whipped Dog Silver Tip
    Post - Witch Hazel; Trumper's Sandalwood Skin Food
    And tomorrow is Friday!!! Have a great last day of the week guys!

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