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Thread: Today's Workout Thread

  1. #1861
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    Congrats Firefighter2!
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  2. #1862
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    Thank you Leatherstockiings, much appreciated!

  3. #1863
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Last Thurs was a planned day off.

    Fri - Sun I took time off because I was building (several versions, until I got it to work) an indoor hammock stand.

    Yesterday was 6 x 25 pushups at work and an 11k on the erg when I got home. Hovered around 2:05 splits, which is a bit slower than usual, but I'm happy with it. HR was great; not sure if that was the time off or just a good day.

    Today was 6 x 25 pushups at work. 6 sets of 6 per side with 2 mins rest between sets of long cycle press with the 45 lb bell, followed by alternating singles with the 35 lb bell. I think about 15 per side, but I lost count.
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  4. #1864
    Senior Member blabbermouth Thug's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firefighter2 View Post

    Too nice outside today to be in the gym, but I got it done anyway. Good motivation as I've just found out I'm going to be a Father for the first time. Gotta' stay healthy now.
    Congratulations, awesome news.
    Firefighter2 likes this.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Thug For This Useful Post:

    Firefighter2 (02-10-2016)

  6. #1865
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firefighter2 View Post

    -Incline Benchpress
    -One Arm Dumbbell Rows
    -One arm Preacher Curls
    -Incline Dumbbell Press
    -Leg Curls
    -Leg Press

    Too nice outside today to be in the gym, but I got it done anyway. Good motivation as I've just found out I'm going to be a Father for the first time. Gotta' stay healthy now.
    I can lift an ungodly amount of weight doing decline, wide gripe benchpress. Enough weight that the bar bends, however, doing incline close grip benchpress, my shoulder pops every time. At first I thought it was something I'd just have to work out, but quickly learned that that was a horrible idea. I'll use dumbbells and only one at a time to do incline benchpress reps, and rotate my arm back ever so slightly, but I can't replicate the kinds of weights used otherwise when benching.

    Something I like to do in place of regular benchpresses quite often, is bench using a smith machine—never more than two forty five pound plates—and push as hard as I can—making it an explosive exercise—tossing the bar and weights as far as I can up the rails. It's when I can't go more than a few inches is what determines when I ought to stop. Beyond that, I keep going till I get to that point. I do that in between, as a filler when I'm working out whichever core muscle group I'm on that day—keeping busy. For me, it does well to isolate and strengthen the most relevant chest muscles. Rain or shine though, I'll never spend more than an hour lifting weights.

    Congratulations on becoming a father.
    Firefighter2 likes this.
    I broke every clay today——even the ones I missed . . .

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to BloodOrange For This Useful Post:

    Firefighter2 (02-11-2016)

  8. #1866
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firefighter2 View Post

    Too nice outside today to be in the gym, but I got it done anyway. Good motivation as I've just found out I'm going to be a Father for the first time. Gotta' stay healthy now.
    Congrats! That's fantastic news (I hope)?!
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  9. #1867
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    It was a Hero WOD for me today.
    Did Forrest, 3 rounds, time capped at 40":
    20 push-ups
    30 toes to bar
    40 burpees
    800m run

    Finished the 3 rounds in 44" just in time to have a pint!

  10. #1868
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    Quote Originally Posted by neehooya View Post
    Congrats! That's fantastic news (I hope)?!
    Thanks, and yes, very good news for me.

  11. #1869
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    Quote Originally Posted by BloodOrange View Post
    I can lift an ungodly amount of weight doing decline, wide gripe benchpress. Enough weight that the bar bends, however, doing incline close grip benchpress, my shoulder pops every time. At first I thought it was something I'd just have to work out, but quickly learned that that was a horrible idea. I'll use dumbbells and only one at a time to do incline benchpress reps, and rotate my arm back ever so slightly, but I can't replicate the kinds of weights used otherwise when benching.

    Something I like to do in place of regular benchpresses quite often, is bench using a smith machine—never more than two forty five pound plates—and push as hard as I can—making it an explosive exercise—tossing the bar and weights as far as I can up the rails. It's when I can't go more than a few inches is what determines when I ought to stop. Beyond that, I keep going till I get to that point. I do that in between, as a filler when I'm working out whichever core muscle group I'm on that day—keeping busy. For me, it does well to isolate and strengthen the most relevant chest muscles. Rain or shine though, I'll never spend more than an hour lifting weights.

    Congratulations on becoming a father.
    Thank you very much, I can't wait! As for the incline's, I also bench wide, as I've destroyed my shoulders before while benching. Plus if I lift too narrow, my triceps will give out before my chest, as I usually lift to near failure. Also, I agree, 45 minutes - 1 hour is more than enough for a workout, especially if you're doing compound lifts with a full body workout. Anything more in my opinion is counterproductive.
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  12. #1870
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    Smile Thursday's Workout

    -Overhead Press
    -Seated Incline Dumbbell Curls
    -Squats, (front & back squats)

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