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Thread: What are you working on?

  1. #20301
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Over here, sword canes are illegal. Can't own them. There is an exception for antiques which you are allowed to collect if I recall correctly, but not carry.
    I've seen a couple at antiques markets. With the more ornate ones, sometimes people don't even know they're sword canes.
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  2. #20302
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    The laws here are whacked. It’s ok to have a concealed blade in a cane or umbrella as long as the blade length is over 30 cm. I do not follow the logic in that.
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  3. #20303
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Florida has really weird knife laws also. There is no law prohibiting open carry of any knife of any size with the exception of "ballistic" knives which means a blade which is propelled from the handle but this does not include throwing knives which are all in one piece. So, on a belt you may open carry anything up to and including a sword or machete. HOWEVER, if it is concealed by so much as a jacket which doesn't have to cover all of it then it becomes concealed carry and the rules change. A folding pocket knife or other concealed knife cannot be more than 4" in blade length. This does not include box cutters, utility knives or multi tools. BUT, if you have a concealed carry permit that negates all the the aforementioned prohibitions...

    Clear as mud eh?
    Last edited by PaulFLUS; 02-20-2023 at 03:47 PM.
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  4. #20304
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    The laws here are whacked. It’s ok to have a concealed blade in a cane or umbrella as long as the blade length is over 30 cm. I do not follow the logic in that.
    I had to reread this. my brain thinks in inches. 30 inches would be a long cane or umbrella handle. 30 cm or 11.8 inches would be easy to hide.

    Here in MN from what I understand it is legal to own and carry any knife but a switchblade or a trench knife with brass knuckles. And you dont intend to hurt someone with it. That for sure could be a grey area.

    This is interesting.

    Whoever shall go armed with a dirk, dagger, sword, pistol, or other offensive and dangerous weapon, without reasonable cause to fear an assault or other injury or violence to person, family, or property, may, on complaint of any other person having reasonable cause to fear an injury or breach of the peace, be required to find sureties for keeping the peace, for a term not exceeding six months, with the right of appealing as before provided.

    From what I understand here if someone doesn't like you carrying your sword down the street they can make you put up a bond.

    Laws are written by lawers so that they can only understand them and make money from them.
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  5. #20305
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    So in Belgium it's actually pretty simple, though not always clear
    There are illegal weapons. They are illegal to own, sell, carry, or manufacture. These are things like balisong knives, throwing stars, etc. Things that got wildly popular due to 80s movies, and became outright banned because they caused too many problems.
    All other knives or blades are legal if you have them with you for a 'reasonable' and non violent reason. For example, a kitchen knife in your backpack because you just bought it or you are cooking at a school BBQ, no problem. The same kitchen knife if you go to a bar or a soccer stadium: you'll be talking to 'your honor'.

    In terms of reasonableness, a small pocket knife is generally always considered appropriate in all circumstances.
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  6. #20306
    STF is offline
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    I believe when i lived in the UK that you could carry a knife 3 inches or less
    - - Steve

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  7. #20307
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    Interesting. In Tennessee, you can carry a switchblade. I assume that there are some length restrictions, but do not know.

    However, you can’t carry a switchblade or a knife over 4” with ‘the intent to go armed’. I like the meaning, but the specifics can be difficult to understand. If I carry the switchblade into a bar and end up threatening someone, then I can be arrested for doing that and the switchblade is illegal in that context. What’s illegal seems to be the intent, even possible intent, to harm someone or to cause mischief and mayhem. IOW, if I act decently and responsibly. I can carry a switchblade as an EDC knife. If I act like a jackass, I can’t.
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  8. #20308
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Yeah, Florida has some wording like that too. You can't exhibit one “in a rude, careless, angry, or threatening manner, and not in necessary self-defense.” Sooooooo...if I belch or fart or if I step on someone's foot and don't say "excuse me," then it's illegal?... Orrrrrr.... if it's in necessary self defense I can do any or all of those things???...
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  9. #20309
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    All done, Gents.!

    A lot of things didn't go as planned, or I should say we'd, Mafuzal and myself, talked about. But IMHO came out even better than had been planned.

    Originally... Acrylic. Chose B-W Ebony, bland. Went with Coyote. Three pin.. Not.! Acrylic, brass lined wedge..nope, needs to be thin. Gunstock finish... Fail. Aww... Holy schickers, guess I'll just Outback it, see what nasties I come up with.

    Here's the result.

    Hand rubbed oil finish, sealed with a mixture of orange oil, bee's wax, and carnauba wax. Pinned with #18, brass Escutcheon pins for tang pieces, 1/16 brass rod and collars, and a bone wedge. Maybe Ivory. Didn't see any holes in it, and don't have any teeth for testing.

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    Now that's thin.!

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  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to outback For This Useful Post:

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  11. #20310
    Senior Member Tathra11's Avatar
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    Looks fantastic Mike. Great work.
    - Mick.

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