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Thread: What are you working on?

  1. #2781
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Damn new phone...
    That's what I typed and it changed it on it's own. I'll fix it.
    sharptonn and engine46 like this.

  2. #2782
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    Last year I stumbled upon something that could be of use for straight razors. See Here;

    Well today I decided to see how this trick would work for filling sloppy pivot holes. There are no pictures as between my abilities and my camera you couldn't see what was taking place. Sorry.

    I soaked the pivot end in acetone to remove any oil then I cut two 1/8" wide by 4-5" long strips of a 'medium' emery roll then folded them with the grit side out in half. After removing the shank from the solvent I then used the emery strips to rough up the hole. I then placed the pivot back in the acetone for a few minutes then repeated roughing up the hole.

    I placed painters tape on one side of the shank to contain the baking soda then tapped on the shank with my pinning hammer to try to settle the soda into the hole.

    When I went to apply the super glue it became real apparent real quick that the 'liquid' super glue sold in local stores isn't the same viscosity that was shown in the video as it was hard to work with and didn't 'Wick' into the hole. However it did work. Kind of. After letting the mixture sit for 5 minutes I turned the blade over and removed the tape and found that the soda hadn't fully reached the bottom so I reapplied and topped off with the super glue.

    After letting that sit for about a half an hour I drilled out a new pivot hole and that went well. I then used a 1/16" punch to try to break the mixture loose within the hole. No I didn't WRENCH on it, just simple moving around and it held nicely.

    However straight razors live in a 'wet' environment so I placed the shank in water for an hour and then retested.

    The mixture didn't hold up, it took a bit but it really broke out easily.

    So while I'm sure that the trick will work on certain things, it doesn't work on filling a pivot hole. Well it might but how long it would hold up I don't know so I can't recommend it.

    And it sounded so promising. OH WELL!
    I've found that if you pack the soda, the CA won't penetrate completely. You have to do it in increments. A little soda...CA, A little soda...CA. Ya have to build in layers, or its just powder in the middle. FYI

  3. #2783
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlanQ View Post
    If you succeed please post detailed info on how you managed to convince your wife of something, anything!
    I am sure I cannot be the only one who could benefit from your great and awesome skills!
    Just do what I do every time I order a custom, walk in the door with jewelry, she hasn't complained once. Tc
    AlanQ likes this.
    “ I,m getting the impression that everyone thinks I have TIME to fix their bikes”

  4. #2784
    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MW76 View Post
    Some of you guys might remember a thread I started about 2 months ago regarding 'The Admiral' straight razor. The vendor wanted $85 for it at the time, which was too much. Well i went back a few weeks later and through the use of a jewelers loupe accompanied by sounds of utter disappointment while inspecting the blade..I got her to come down to $40. For that price this razor was worth it, to me anyway. Well that was a few weeks ago and i finally got around to working on it a bit tonight.

    There was alot of stringy rust on the goldwash.

    Attachment 233660

    Back side as well.. I love the scales on this thing. I really do.

    Attachment 233659

    I gave her a 'dirty polish' with some Crox and a felt wheel.. No sanding for this one. You can see some pitting.

    Attachment 233661

    I had a crazy plan in my head to apply microscopic amounts of naval jelly to the rust on the gold wash over a period of several weeks, chemically etching the rust off of the blade.. yeah right. I tried that for about 5 minutes and realized it was a dumb idea.. so I took an exacto razor with a chisel tip and scraped the rust right off. Not perfect by any means.. but it didnt scratch the gentlemans faces up. Theres some discoloration and pitting but that's it. Im done messin with it. Im gonna polish the rest of the blade with Mass.. re pin and hone.

    Attachment 233662
    That looks good. I found mine when I was a newbie, well this is how mine endedName:  DSCF2594.jpg
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    So I blew it with saving the etch.
    The blade and steel is amazing, one of my top shavers.
    I look forward to seeing it finished. We want to hear about how it shaves.
    Keep up the good work.
    Your only as good as your last hone job.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to ultrasoundguy2003 For This Useful Post:

    MW76 (04-06-2016)

  6. #2785
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Cuda! Pictures, or it didn't happen!
    Ok, guess it didn't happen. Oh well it was a nice dream.
    sharptonn likes this.
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  7. #2786
    Matt MW76's Avatar
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    Default Gettin there..

    I did a mock up tonight with The Admirals. Such a large pivot hole the tip of the razor was hitting the corner of the wedge when i closed it, I made a bushing.. which almost did the trick. I tried using a very thin pull saw to shave off a bit of the wedge but it was still just catching. I made another bushing, split it, and pressed it around the first bushing to make a kind of shim. Re-fit with one washer and it closes perfect. Hopefully ill pin it tomorrow. No rush though.. im enjoying the process.

    Also i hit every store in the Capital District that DIDNT have Eagle One Nano Wax.. but i found a place across the river that has it so eventually i will try that on the gold wash. For now she looks like this.

    Name:  DSCF3291.jpg
Views: 154
Size:  53.6 KB

    Bushing and shim..
    Name:  DSCF3302.jpg
Views: 170
Size:  46.1 KB

    Did the trick..
    Name:  DSCF3304.jpg
Views: 139
Size:  37.1 KB

    Thanks for the positive vibes my razor dudes. Ill get this girl in the SOTD thread soon enough

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to MW76 For This Useful Post:

    sharptonn (04-07-2016)

  9. #2787
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MW76 View Post
    I did a mock up tonight with The Admirals. Such a large pivot hole the tip of the razor was hitting the corner of the wedge when i closed it, I made a bushing.. which almost did the trick. I tried using a very thin pull saw to shave off a bit of the wedge but it was still just catching. I made another bushing, split it, and pressed it around the first bushing to make a kind of shim. Re-fit with one washer and it closes perfect. Hopefully ill pin it tomorrow. No rush though.. im enjoying the process.

    Also i hit every store in the Capital District that DIDNT have Eagle One Nano Wax.. but i found a place across the river that has it so eventually i will try that on the gold wash. For now she looks like this.

    Name:  DSCF3291.jpg
Views: 154
Size:  53.6 KB

    Bushing and shim..
    Name:  DSCF3302.jpg
Views: 170
Size:  46.1 KB

    Did the trick..
    Name:  DSCF3304.jpg
Views: 139
Size:  37.1 KB

    Thanks for the positive vibes my razor dudes. Ill get this girl in the SOTD thread soon enough
    Epoxy that baby in Matt. Clean the hole out with a drill bit after it cures.
    It'll keep it from spinning. Good job!
    HARRYWALLY and MikeB52 like this.

  10. #2788
    Matt MW76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    Epoxy that baby in Matt. Clean the hole out with a drill bit after it cures.
    It'll keep it from spinning. Good job!
    You know that thought crossed my mind for a second while i was working on it.

    Ill try it!! Bustin' out the T-88..

  11. #2789
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MW76 View Post
    You know that thought crossed my mind for a second while i was working on it.

    Ill try it!! Bustin' out the T-88..
    That's some good stuff, a structural epoxy. Takes awhile to cure though.
    I like it for repairing horn scales.

  12. #2790
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MW76 View Post
    You know that thought crossed my mind for a second while i was working on it.

    Ill try it!! Bustin' out the T-88..
    It is not necessary to sleeve the pivot hole, that's the way it was made originally.
    onimaru55 likes this.

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