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Thread: Ammo Shortage

  1. #81
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by icedog View Post
    Either you are intentionally missing my point or I am not communicating clearly enough.
    I can assure you, I am not trying to miss your point.

    This gun thing for me is moot. I happen to like guns. I am trying to explain what the issue is for the people who want to make it difficult to own guns.
    I can pretty much guarantee that everyone here understands what that issue is. It's public safety. People who want to make guns difficult to get are trying to prevent guns from getting into the hands of crazy people who will use them to kill others. We all understand that.

    It has nothing to do with swimming pools(I still don't understand why you would throw that out).
    I was trying to illustrate the irrational desire to limit civil liberties for the sake of public safety, when there are far greater dangers that could be addressed without striking an entire ammendment from the Bill of Rights. The issue is public safety, plain and simple. If crazy people didn't ever hurt others, you wouldn't care what they did. You care about crazy people hurting and killing people.

    I am trying to be as clear as possible here. If you want to save lives, you should devote your resources to the greater dangers, not the ones that make the headlines.

    Yes, high profile school shooting rampages make headlines and stir emotions, but far more kids are killed in mundane household accidents, drowning, and car accidents.

    You want to save lives? Don't let teen agers drive.

    Just to be sure you understand why I'm bringing up car accidents and teen age drivers when you want to talk about gun violence, I'll try to make it more to the point. You only care about guns because they take lives. It's lives you are wanting to save. Therefore, you should really address the activities that take the most lives. I'm not trying to sound pedantic here, it's just that I want to make sure you understand what I'm trying to say.

    It is the ease with which people who may trip off the line and run amuck can obtain firearms.
    What you're suggesting is prior restraint.

    There is a law enforcement system in place that is supposed to protect us and for most people it works well.
    For many it does not work so well. The average response time where I live is around 10 minutes, and about 30 minutes after midnight. Someone could do a hell of a lot to me or my family in that time.

    I have no fear that would justify my having a loaded weapon in my home and I hope most people feel the same way.
    There is no law that says you need to have a loaded gun in your home. I'd like it if you didn't try to prevent me from having one just because you feel safe where you are.

    But here's another case of a kid who grabbed his father's legal handgun and brought it to school:
    Welcome to - News
    As I said before, horrible crimes make for horrible laws. The law against murder didn't stop this kid from doing somethign really horrible, so taking my right to purchase a gun won't prevent this from happening again.

    People who want more gun control want to know how to stop this sort of thing. Any ideas?
    We all want to stop this sort of thing, but consider the fact that increasing gun control hasn't made these things happen less frequently. In fact, they seem to happen more now.

    I want to see less crime, just like you. I want the right to defend myself as well. The suggestion that taking that right from me will somehow make me safer, makes no sense.

  2. #82
    Curmudgeon Brother Jeeter's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Brother Jeeter
    Thanks for talking down to me, it really inspires respect for you.

    I don't remember addressing you at all. What the hell are you talking about?


    Please allow me to explain...

    "It is the...Dylan Klebolds and Eric Harrises...and the rest of the whackos that are driving the efforts to control gun ownership."


    It is a Federal Statute, I can't immediately remember which one, that states it is a felony for any person under the age of 21 years, to POSSESS a handgun. For those two losers to have a handgun in their possession was a Federal Offense...
    (Remainder of my post ommitted for brevity. It's still up, should you need to look at it again.)

    It was THIS ^ post that elicited your response:

    The argument is not limited to kids with guns. I listed several adults, like Charles Whitman, Colin Ferguson, etc. who owned legal guns and went crazy. Yawn...nevermind. You gun guys, do me a favor. If you decide to go on a rampage, kill me first.

    I answered with:

    Yawn...nevermind. You gun guys, do me a favor. If you decide to go on a rampage, kill me first.


    I have owned guns (Handguns, Rifles and Shotguns) for over thirty five years, closer to forty. I have yet to go on a rampage, go insane, go Postal, or anything of that nature. Thanks for talking down to me, it really inspires respect for you.

    THAT is what I'm talking about AND why. Your response, worded as it is and closely following mine, makes it pretty apparent you were addressing me. At least it does to me.

    Last edited by Brother Jeeter; 05-20-2009 at 03:28 AM.

  3. #83
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by icedog View Post
    I don't remember addressing you at all. What the hell are you talking about?
    "you guys" is all inclusive

    "Yawn..." is dismissive and or demeaning
    as in you're so boring I might fall asleep

    I'm a social train wreck and I got it

  4. #84
    zib is offline
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    Gentlemen: I'd really appreciate it if we keep this civil, If it get's to out of hand, the mods will close out my post and rightfully so. Let's try to behave like Gentlemen.
    Thanks, Rich
    We have assumed control !

  5. #85
    Senior Member Mike257's Avatar
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    This thread is starting to sound like a conversation you would hear at a bar !

  6. #86
    Curmudgeon Brother Jeeter's Avatar
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    I am not sure of the retail situation as it concerns ammunition in this area. I had some bought up and a lot reloaded, LONG before Obama got the nomination. I may go check it out tomorrow.

    There...back on topic again.

  7. #87
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    My there have been some very emotive posts !

    On a related note to the thread there is a severe shortage of Federal primers here in the UK ( I use 210M), which as been caused by the military actions in Iraq & Afghanistan.

    I wouldn't know about shortages of factory ammunition as it is so scalpingly expensive in the UK ! Most of the people I know hand load.

    This is marginally less scalping ! The last 2 pounds of VIT N140 cost me the equivalent of 115 USD !

    Politicians feel they have to do something after any atrocity involving shooting, particularly if children are the victims. They do not seem to have the option of sagely reviewing the evidence, and then deciding to maintain the status quo.

    In the UK, such an approach led to the banning of self-loading rifles above 0.22LR, and of course to the banning of cartridge firing hand-guns. We can still own black powder pistols (muzzle loaders and revolvers).

    I lost a custom Springfield Defender (0.45ACP), a custom PPC revolver (0.38 Special) and a lovely old HiStandard Citation.

    Best regards


  8. #88
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Hey guys, I realize this is an emotional discussion for noth sides, but since none of us has yet gone on a rampage yet, we should be able to discuss this without attacking each other.
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    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Bruno For This Useful Post:

    zib (05-20-2009)

  10. #89
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    When a long time responsible gun owner goes out of his mind and shoots his family, the neighbors are always shocked.

    I was shooting skeet in competitions at the Remington Arms Gun Club before the EPA shut it down for a few tons of lead in Long Island Sound. I had two very nice shotguns. One evening while in an argument my lovely wife came ito the kitchen with my Charles Daly over under 12 ga and squeezed the trigger on me. Fortunately I kept it loaded only with snap caps. I sold my weapons. I'd rather she limited her drunken attacks to blades and furniture.

    BJ, If you decide that my input is personally insulting to you when I certainly mean no insult to anyone, I guess I will simply have to find some way to muddle through the rest of my life without your respect.

    I better get outta here! I feel like a mouse at a cat convention.
    Last edited by icedog; 05-20-2009 at 10:36 AM.

  11. #90
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhatMan View Post

    I lost a custom Springfield Defender (0.45ACP), a custom PPC revolver (0.38 Special) and a lovely old HiStandard Citation.


    it is a slippery slope and this is where it goes

    on topic

    I still have a stock of several thousand small and large handgun primers
    500 large magnum rifle
    1500 small rifle
    450 shotgun
    25 some odd pounds of powder
    buckets of brass
    300 pounds of casting alloy and molds
    5 presses

    what ammo shortage?
    Last edited by gratewhitehuntr; 05-20-2009 at 01:32 PM.

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