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Thread: Guns Guns and MORE Guns

  1. #161
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    CCI Blazer does real well for me. Federal Auto Match is good too. Anything by Remington like Golden Bullets, or Thunderbolts are pretty crappy. Inaccurate and dirty.
    Situational Awareness, Threat Assessment, Risk Management - Stay Alert, Stay alive

  2. #162
    Senior Member apipeguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EMC45 View Post
    CCI Blazer does real well for me. Federal Auto Match is good too. Anything by Remington like Golden Bullets, or Thunderbolts are pretty crappy. Inaccurate and dirty.
    I've heard nothing but good reports about CCI Blazers, but have yet to find any to try. .22's are still as rare as hen's teeth where I live. Was able to get 1800 mini mags last week when a new Field & Stream store opened in town (several trips) not at a great price but I have them. The last mini-mags I had found where in 2014.
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  3. #163
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    This is my 28 ga. Not as nice a model but a fine gun. I believe it to be the first 30" 28 ga they ever made...or the only one.

  4. #164
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by apipeguy View Post
    I've heard nothing but good reports about CCI Blazers, but have yet to find any to try. .22's are still as rare as hen's teeth where I live. Was able to get 1800 mini mags last week when a new Field & Stream store opened in town (several trips) not at a great price but I have them. The last mini-mags I had found where in 2014.
    I started buying CCI BLAZER when they were $9.99 for 500. That was around 05. When the panic hit during elections and specially after Newtown they went up to $59.99 for 500. I will never pay inflated prices for .22. I can cast bullets and handload cheaper than I can shoot rimfire. The Federal Auto Match I am working through was bought at Wal-Mart quite a while ago.
    apipeguy and outback like this.
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  5. #165
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Now a days there is a lot of ammo coming in from outside the US. most of good some better than others. I will practice with most anything in 9MM but will only carry the best name brand i can find. I try to carry Federal Hollow points. As someone has already stated we are responsible for the bullet from the time it leaves the muzzle until it comes to it's final resting place. When it comes to 22 ammo I have set my scope on the hunting rifle with CCI mini mags. point of aim will very from brand to brand and from bullet weight. When shooting for quarter size targets at 50 yrds and better it does make a difference.
    When it comes to self defense from what i read the person attacking has to be almost at arms length before the legal system will recognize the need for deadly force. This will make a deference in what a person will decide to carry or at least it should. This should be talked about in the training sessions. I enjoy target practice and hunting but when it comes to defending myself or wife it's completely different. What you carry what you wear to conceal . I wish these day were like when i was young . we never locked the house or cars. Even when we went to the larger cities like Memphis or Nashville we never locked the car and in the summer we left the windows down. Those days are gone. In the USA in states that allow we need to be ready to defend our selves. When seconds count the Police are just minutes away. They can't be expected to be everywhere at the same time. For those states and countries that don't allow conceal carry maybe they will wake up before it's too late for the people.

    Sorry about the soap box.
    EMC45, apipeguy and outback like this.

  6. #166
    Junior Member cavsvet74's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kmcmichael View Post
    Attachment 233916[ATTACH

    Arrieta 572 on dove hunt.
    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    I've said it before...
    That's one beautiful gun you have
    Even the screw heads are engraved! That's awesome!
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  8. #167
    Fizzy Laces Connoisseur
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    Ok Gents,

    Not about me.... Or shooting really. But a short rant.

    I recently joined a rifle club in Scotland.

    Now before I joined I looked at their site and it wasn't much to speak of and said it's being updated. Now a monthish in its in the same state.

    Now the club has maintenance days where guys go and help fix up the clubhouse and range. But I am not handy lol.

    So I offered to help out with the site, as I can do that. People pay me good money for that.

    I was met with resistance and understandably so. They had a guy who did it, and got a years fees for free. The next year when he was asked for fees, he left and told them it would cost £1500 to get their site.

    My moan is basically his poor show..... And the fact that because of him the guys find it hard to let me help out in a way I know how to...


    Sent from my HTC One mini 2 using Tapatalk
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  9. #168
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGeek View Post
    Ok Gents,

    Not about me.... Or shooting really. But a short rant.

    I recently joined a rifle club in Scotland.

    Now before I joined I looked at their site and it wasn't much to speak of and said it's being updated. Now a monthish in its in the same state.

    Now the club has maintenance days where guys go and help fix up the clubhouse and range. But I am not handy lol.

    So I offered to help out with the site, as I can do that. People pay me good money for that.

    I was met with resistance and understandably so. They had a guy who did it, and got a years fees for free. The next year when he was asked for fees, he left and told them it would cost £1500 to get their site.

    My moan is basically his poor show..... And the fact that because of him the guys find it hard to let me help out in a way I know how to...


    Sent from my HTC One mini 2 using Tapatalk
    I'd say join the club, participate in what shooting events they have, and let them get to know you. Since you are a stranger to them, as you mentioned, it is not surprising that they are 'gunshy'...... pun intended ..........
    Cangooner and outback like this.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  10. #169
    Fizzy Laces Connoisseur
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I'd say join the club, participate in what shooting events they have, and let them get to know you. Since you are a stranger to them, as you mentioned, it is not surprising that they are 'gunshy'...... pun intended ..........
    Indeed, and this is the approach I took. I told the Secretary, offers there and it's given freely, and left it to them.


    Sent from my HTC One mini 2 using Tapatalk
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  11. #170
    Senior Member Scareface's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kmcmichael View Post
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    This is my 28 ga. Not as nice a model but a fine gun. I believe it to be the first 30" 28 ga they ever made...or the only one.
    Did you use the gun or just take off your shoes to bag that bunch?
    outback likes this.
    It's a dog eat dog world and I have on milk bone underwear.

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