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Thread: Hone of the Day

  1. #511
    Previously lost, now "Pasturized" kaptain_zero's Avatar
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    Wow... what type of scope?


    Kaptain "Jealous" Zero
    "Aw nuts, now I can't remember what I forgot!" --- Kaptain "Champion of lost causes" Zero

  2. #512
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    It's a "Celestron Digital Microscope Pro" but it's modified from stock for higher magnification. To get good shots like this, lighting is absolutely key though. It does take a little fiddling about to get a good focus as well - most of the time I use focus stacking (multiple exposures with slightly differing focus and stacked in software so the multiple images are aligned and the composite image is composed of only the in-focus areas. Each photo takes a little while, in other words, lol.

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    Last edited by eKretz; 02-15-2016 at 01:59 AM.
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  3. #513
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    Well I woke up to 12 inches of snow this morning. Can't think of anything better than getting a lot of honing knocked out. Some just need touch ups, others the full gammit. Starting on the right:

    2 crown and swords
    Super kikubushi
    D peres
    Wostenholm pipe
    Wade and butcher, the celebrated extra hallow ground

    The two on the far left aren't out for honing. I bit off more than I can chew with wanting to repair the MOP on that wade and butcher fine India steel. And the EPBD is headed for the classifieds.
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    Why do some pictures auto rotate, and others dont. It makes no sense, the IT guys should fix that!

    I forgot to put the hones in, not sure which road I want to go down yet. Some jnats, a thuri, and coti. Might mix and match but the jnat on the far left has mystical honing powers.
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    Last edited by prodigy; 02-15-2016 at 05:16 PM.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to prodigy For This Useful Post:

    onur98 (02-15-2016)

  5. #514
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    Does the G20K do that on other steels?

    Cheers, Steve
    onur98 likes this.

  6. #515
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    A gloomy day of freezing drizzle hear in Ohio. Finished pinning a restore this morning and realized I had a stack of full gaumet honing to do. Figure this to be a good day to get caught up, before I start on the next restore.
    All will be honed on a progression of Nani's 1000-12000 and finished on a Thuri.
    A few will have to start on the 800 Nani since they were chipped or had frowns and had to be reshaped.
    I like to use the 800 to rough in the edge, then set the bevel with the Chosera.
    (Saves me time, and wear on my hands. Neck injury left me with a numb index finger on my dominate hand).
    Here's what we got to hone.
    Buck Bros. 5/8
    Wester Bros., De-Fi 5/8
    F. Koeller & Co., Staysharp 5/8
    Shumates, Peacemaker 5/8
    Krusius Bro., Demon 5/8
    Marples, Sheffield 6/8
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  7. #516
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    Outback and Prodigy,

    I'm envious, most of my stuff is honed up and I have a couple waiting to try out an 8k Shapton Glass High Carbon due to arrive tomorrow. It's wet and slushy here in Knoxville, and friends report bad roads outside the city, and the city is usually 5-7 degrees warmer due to the surrounding ridges.

    But I did hone up a Dovo Bergischer Lowe, the old heavy grind shorty, and have a couple of Gold Dollar test razors up to test some Mikawa naguras. Both razors are equally ugly, and honed to the same even HHT on a Shapton Pro 5k and ready for testing the Mikawa nagura.

    Cheers, Steve
    onur98, prodigy and outback like this.

  8. #517
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Envious.....!! [emoji15]
    I do enjoy the zen of honing, but its the most tedious and time consuming part of a total restore job for some razors. But what good is restoring it, if it wont shave.

    onur98 and prodigy like this.

  9. #518
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    Envious.....!! [emoji15]
    I do enjoy the zen of honing, but its the most tedious and time consuming part of a total restore job for some razors. But what good is restoring it, if it wont shave.

    I know what you mean! I have several razors that have been in on several honing sessions. ive learned that rather than spending an absurd amount of time getting frustrated with them when they wont set a bevel, i just put it aside until the next session. This is only good when its one of my razors and there is no rush on getting it done. It has worked nicely for me, most stubborn razors get a good edge after a few different sessions on the hones.
    onur98 and outback like this.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to prodigy For This Useful Post:

    outback (02-15-2016)

  11. #519
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    I don't have trouble setting bevels anymore, but occasionally I do have problems getting the finished edge I want, some razors just don't want to cooperate. I may post another thread on this...

    Cheers, Steve
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  12. #520
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve56 View Post
    Does the G20K do that on other steels?

    Cheers, Steve
    Steve, if you're asking me (I think so), nope, haven't noticed it on any other carbon steel razors, just the HSS. I don't have any other outlandish steels in my collection though - some of the other more modern alloys that contain a lot of carbide forming alloys might do something similar.
    onur98 and Steve56 like this.

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