Results 141 to 150 of 340
01-03-2012, 01:04 PM #141
Grant: I'm sorry for your loss (of blood), I hope you heal asap! The blood vessels are really thin around that part of the nose.
01-03-2012, 01:40 PM #142
Prep: Hot shower
Brush: Henk, 21 mm silver tip
Razor: Veritable, Delolme
Soap: Cella
AS: Williams, Aqua Velva
Strops: Neil Miller
Result: Very, very clean
... and:
01-03-2012, 02:10 PM #143
Prep:Hot Shower
Brush:Unknown Pure Badger
Uber:MWF + Musgo + Glycerin
Razor: Dovo BQ 6/8 (maiden)
Post:Nivea for Men Invigorating
Another DFS. Madien voyage for the BQ. I wanted an inexpensive razor to travel with an likely learn to hone with. It produced a wonderful shave. after my morning workout. I'm getting close to a whole month of shaving with the straight, and loving life.
01-03-2012, 02:53 PM #144
PREP: Proraso pre/post
BOWL: Ice cream bowl
BRUSH: Thäter SRP 2011
ÜBBER: Ogallala BayRum soap + KD Creations BayRum + glycerin
RAZOR: Robert Williams 10/8 w/Girafe bone scales
ASB: Proraso pre/post
AS: Italian Floid Original
01-03-2012, 03:01 PM #145
Shumate 5/8
Target Black Badger
Truefitt & Hill Trafalgar
Alum Block
Witch Hazel
Afta Fresh Balm
Old Spice
01-03-2012, 03:18 PM #146
Dovo Best Quality 6/8
Altesse Badger brush
Omega Soap
Aqua Velva Ice Sport
Dovo Bismarck 6/8
Men-U Boar brush
Taback soap
Royall Bay Rhum
Yesterday was the last day of my Holiday break and I was too busy/lazy to post. To great shaves back to back!
01-03-2012, 03:19 PM #147
Tuesday, January 3, 2012. Good Morning!
Morning Coffee: Hills Brothers Original Blend
Prep: Wash face with Musgo Real Glyce Lime
Razor: Schick G1
Blade: Schick
Soap: Klar Kabinett
Brush: Simpsons Duke 2
Scuttle: Dirty Bird 1.5
Post: Cold water rinse followed by some Pitralon Classic
01-03-2012, 03:20 PM #148
24 mm whipped Dog Pottery Handle Pure Badger Brush
Merkur Progress
Voskhod (2)
Mitchell's Wool Fat
4711 After Shave Lotion
4711 Cologne
4 passes - Pretty, Pretty Good!
01-03-2012, 04:52 PM #149
Good morning. Today's set up:
WH Morley clover 5/8 Barber's Notch
Badger brush
C&E Sienna soap plus KMF Unscented cream
Thayer's /Aqua Velva Blue / Sienna ASB
Sienna cologne
Yes, there IS a theme hereMy son's girlfriend gave me the Sienna balm for Christmas. I had an old Sienna soap that I dug out for this morning's shave.
I honed the Morley on January 1 as part of JaNorton, and I'm pretty pleased. The edge is not as nice as the Genco I honed at the same time, but it's pretty good. I might take it back to the stone and re-do the 8k, and try to polish the bevel a bit more.
01-03-2012, 05:28 PM #150
- Pre: Myrsol Emulsion and lather
- Shaving brush: Semogue SOC boar
- Shaving soap: Cella Sapone Extra Extra Purissima
- Razor: 13/16 Gotta 120
- Strop: Illinois #827 , 50/100 linen/leather
- Hone: Norton 4/8k
- Scuttle: SWK XL
- Post: Alum block, Osage rub, Men-U moisturizer, Clubman Special Reserve.
By blix72 at 2012-01-03
A just amazing Norton shave toady.