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Thread: What Do You Have In The Mail Right Now?

  1. #7251
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Speedster View Post
    My good buddy always bakes his own bread and has the Hobart branded version of that mixer before Kitchenaid purchased them.

    Pretty sure the originals were built as solid as a Sherman tank.
    My mixer is from the Kitchen Aid Division of Hobart and I've used it for about 30 years. I remember that I paid $300 for it all those years ago. I have a friend who does a lot of baking and she's told me that the new ones just arent built like the older ones.

    A few years ago I was talking to a Hobart repairman when he was in our bakery working on one of the huge mixers and he said that the company constantly told them to 'Buy American' but when he'd get a replacement part they usually said 'Made in China'

    As far as the 'Pattern' I posted, yes that's one of the old 'test patterns' from the days gone by way before there was 'cable TV' and people only had antennas or were hooked up to a network that distributed from their antenna.

    I remember the day we got our first TV what a joy! I can't remember which way it went but either my Granny paid for the TV and my Grandparents paid for the cable or vice versa. No you didn't 'rent' the cable back then you bought and owned it.

    We got 3 channels but Granny got 6. We received the major stations out of Lewiston ID but Granny's antenna was higher and could get the Spokane stations/even though they were the same ones as Lewiston's.

    Anyway I posted about what I made with the grain mill here:
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    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  2. #7252
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    One channel only. CBC North and not during really poor weather, which is prime time time sitting inside watching TV
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  3. #7253
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    One channel only. CBC North and not during really poor weather, which is prime time time sitting inside watching TV
    Dad used to talk about a family that lived out on the same ridge out in the country as he did and they wouldn't spend the money to run wires up out of the area they lived in and install an antenna and just used the 'ears' on the TV and they got one station and they were happy with that.

    I haven't had TV here at the Boars Nest in years and really don't miss it. When I go to my friends that have a zillion and one stations I find there really isn't anything I'm interested in watching. Most times when I visit my buddy Ski in the morning he's watching old Bonanza or Gunsmoke reruns.
    Speedster, RezDog and Gasman like this.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  4. #7254
    Senior Member dinnermint's Avatar
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    I have a couple neat things in the mail, hopefully already waiting for me at home.

    1 is a boatload (for me anyways) of washers and rod from our very own ajkenne.

    The other is a few slabs of horn and a set of bone for scales and a DE handle. My only DE is a Gillette travel safety that I found mint in pouch with the blades still sealed, I love it but even my smaller hands hate the short length.

  5. #7255
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    Nice batch has arrived yesterday: CVH MK133, Stenton from before 1830, and an old French (I think) L&W from the very beginning of 1800's:
    Name:  xZTLUsK-pIVOcVlBQ8d3WLmzPO6Z9uNr67QK4Rk-o2Fjfe2oQJubnRVH9gIqw85aexoDaucAjgaMar6524zDzz1lViVfcwvq.jpg
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  6. #7256
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    Quote Originally Posted by dimab View Post
    Nice batch has arrived yesterday: CVH MK133, Stenton from before 1830, and an old French (I think) L&W from the very beginning of 1800's:
    Congrats my friend! I have been looking for MK133 for a long time.
    Cool razors.
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  7. #7257
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    Thank you dimab for turning my attention to this razor.
    Geo Wostenholm & Sons "PERFECTION".

    Name:  46758353582_260a6550d4_b.jpg
Views: 198
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    RezDog, JOB15, MikeB52 and 5 others like this.

  8. #7258
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    Quote Originally Posted by Navarrsky View Post
    Congrats my friend! I have been looking for MK133 for a long time.
    Cool razors.
    Thanks! And indeed they are. Now I only need to find 134 and an ivory 33

    Quote Originally Posted by Navarrsky View Post
    Thank you dimab for turning my attention to this razor.
    Geo Wostenholm & Sons "PERFECTION".
    You are very welcome! Absolutely gorgeous razor.
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  9. #7259
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    Really was not in the mood for buying. Recently moved to NC so my funds have been busy with other things. I saw this for 150 though and thought it would be silly to not pick it up. dimensions are 4 7/8" long x 2 1/2" wide and 3/4" thick. Does not come with original rubber but I have one I can use for it

    Name:  SRDSTONE.jpg
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  10. #7260
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Someone said they are seriously not in the mood to double their money on a $150 labeled Escher? That's rich.

    Christian1, MikeT and Gasman like this.

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