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Thread: The Butchered Blade

  1. #111
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    So someone should show some projects here? In progress?
    Okay, Ive got some good options. Some choppers, some blades that are agile and quick, several terribly abused blades.. This thread is more about the abused run down blades in need of some serious help right? Thats what I got from seeing the first post, Mikeb52 blade was in a bad way and now is beautiful again.
    Theres something about taking a blade that is in serious trouble and pulling it back from the brink to a state of glory again!
    Am I wrong about the point of this thread? Is it more about that or is it just any blade?

  2. #112
    Senior Member guitstik's Avatar
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    I have several that I need to get working on but I have yet to figure out how to get a time machine so that I can create all of the time I need for all of the other projects I have going on.
    sharptonn, engine46 and MikeT like this.
    SRP. Where the Wits aren't always as sharp as the Razors

  3. #113
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeT View Post
    Okay, Ive got some good options. Some choppers, some blades that are agile and quick, several terribly abused blades.. This thread is more about the abused run down blades in need of some serious help right? Thats what I got from seeing the first post, Mikeb52 blade was in a bad way and now is beautiful again.
    Theres something about taking a blade that is in serious trouble and pulling it back from the brink to a state of glory again!
    Am I wrong about the point of this thread? Is it more about that or is it just any blade?
    Oh, I think anything will do. I DO think the theme would be to save something pretty bad, however.
    Quote Originally Posted by guitstik View Post
    I have several that I need to get working on but I have yet to figure out how to get a time machine so that I can create all of the time I need for all of the other projects I have going on.
    Just one, Stik. One at a time. I used to get too many going at once. Seems too much like actual work to do that.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  4. #114
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I use a q-tip smashed with a hammer to slather the scales inside and out, esp as I had already pinned the bottom. It takes a small amount of oil and seems as good as soaking. I walk by, rub them with a finger, and flip them over on occasion.
    I even reapply what has run off onto the table on occasion with my index finger. Looking good, though.

    I too don’t actually soak in oil, I slather on the Neetsfoot with a ½ in boar paint brush, (I write on the handle, so it is used just for that) then put the scales in a quart, zip lock bag and pour in a bit more oil into the bag, every couple days take them out and re slather, although they do seem to stay well coated. Leave them in the bag for a couple weeks.

    I have had several in the bag at a time, with the blades pinned and without.

    Sand them wet with Neetsfoot, with 600 and 1k, wet & dry and polish with Novus no. 3 and 2, makes them gleam.

  5. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Euclid440 For This Useful Post:

    MikeB52 (08-21-2015), MikeT (08-21-2015)

  6. #115
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    It's amazing how the NFO rejuvenates the scales. Makes them harder and somewhat newer.
    Mine are wiped down good. I will probably just Renwax and call them done. The collars come up packed with compound on the back side after buffing with the pin-vise. That little stiff Dremel brush gets it out nicely. Lots of other uses for it as well.

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    As I referred to the 'set' of these scales, the tops curve inward and wrap around this big tang nicely.

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    Will pin it up before the day is out.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  7. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to sharptonn For This Useful Post:

    engine46 (08-24-2015), MikeB52 (08-21-2015)

  8. #116
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    As Tom said, it's about any blade worth saving really and how you do/did it.
    Should have titled it butchered blades, as opposed to butchered WB's, but I'm no titleologist.
    My next, for when I get home will be the below Joseph Allen with bellied tang.
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    The others in this shot will follow, slowly..
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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  9. #117
    Senior Member guitstik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Just one, Stik. One at a time. I used to get too many going at once. Seems too much like actual work to do that.
    But which one? I get one going and then put it down to take a break and pick up another just to look at and start working on it. It is a vicious cycle that keeps on going driving me mad
    SRP. Where the Wits aren't always as sharp as the Razors

  10. #118
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitstik View Post
    But which one? I get one going and then put it down to take a break and pick up another just to look at and start working on it. It is a vicious cycle that keeps on going driving me mad
    I just cover the others up so I can only see ONE!
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  11. #119
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Got it pinned. They get nice and tight omitting the spacers. Looks decent, if not realistic. Time to tape the spine and swoop it on a worn, wet DMT.
    Crossing my fingers I got enough of that stabilizer gone.

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    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  12. #120
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Yep. Only one at a time, on the bench.
    The rest stay in a drawer in the house,next to the honing table.
    When one is done, open drawer, stick hand in (not looking) there's the next one.

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