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Thread: The Butchered Blade

  1. #1711
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WW243 View Post
    Lads, would it be possible to case harden a straight razor, then polish out the face? Case hardened tang, tail, and spine...
    Was talked about on this thread briefly:

    Maybe the tang could be isolated to case harden, but I haven't tried. I have reblued a few beau brummels, and a blue point straight with nice results using the casey superblue solution.

    If you consider the attempt, take lots of pics

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  2. #1712
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Case hardening to a usable depth is more involved than just using "Casenite." To go to a full 1/16th inch deep all over would be vry difficult for a home shop.
    Been there! Worked in a heat treat shop. Still have to anneal. No real quality control if you are not totally familiar with all the things going on and you probably will waste a huge amount of cash trying it; a fun project though.
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  4. #1713
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    Remember me?

    I'm still hand sanding the Frederick Reynolds French point. It's looking a little better but I haven't got through all of the pitting yet. Hopefully I won't be turning this wedge into a full hollow before I'm done. Anyway, I'm going to keep at this razor even if it takes a couple of months to finish! Ill try to post some pictures this evening.

  5. #1714
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    At any given moment I have a dozen pieces that are in the works laying about. Many of my project are more than a few days in the works. The FR I recently posted had the cracked toe discovered probably a year ago. If I scatter my time around on a whole bunch of projects I never have to look at how much time I have in on this one or that one. I have a few that I know right off the start that I am not going to get the pitting out and just get to a point where the majority is gone or reduced and all the black is out of it. Because I do most of my work by hand it does take me a while on the very dirty ones. This is all for my personal entertainment so the whole matter of time doesn't truly matter. If I was looking to subsidize my living or make a living I would have to be a whole lot more focused that's for sure.
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  6. #1715
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    Leatherstockings, Yep those pits, after you get most of them there's at least one that will hang on for dear life!!
    I try to remember that while sanding away the pits and getting to the last few, don't focus on that one spot... try to keep removing material evenly across the entire face. Otherwise there will be an uneven surface. It's a pain but it's important to give that uniform reflection.

    *** on the blade Butchered Blade Giveaway I just realized that I missed a tang pic of the middle right blade... it's a wedge and the manufacturer is C.H. Sheehan. Deep tang stamp.
    So far the French blade, broken toe blade, and both Geo. Wostis are spoken for. Good luck gents!
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  7. #1716
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeT View Post
    Okay well Im waiting on supplies so I figure Ill start in on this project... My supreme project of which I am overtly excited about... A Weekend Joseph Rodgers Set.

    I gotta run out to a birthday party so gotta keep this short just wanted to stop in and say hello, and get these picks on.. Im going to have to replace both ivory tangs as the one broke off and the other is close to it. When I received it in the mail it was broken..
    Gonna try to keep what Im gonna do a secret until I have results to show. But Ill document the process well! It is going to be glorious!!!
    Have a great night gentlemen!
    MikeT that sucks. I have a pair of those as well, very nicely intact & won in different auctions quite some time back. I just had put them aside quite some time ago but I will get to them soon. They're both clothed in Ivory.

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    There IS a difference. One has jimps (top) & the other doesn't.
    Last edited by engine46; 10-11-2015 at 09:25 PM.

  8. #1717
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    Dang Steve! Those are in great shape! Wanna sell them?! hehehe I doubt it..
    I assumed that the originals were dressed in ivory but had never seen to know.
    Was thinking about it, but I don't have perfectly matching ivory and with my Joseph Rodgers Weekender I wanted some contrast between the scales and tang... and so will be putting black bog oak on them with ivory wedges and custom made sterling silver ornate collars and a silver inlay (optional). The whole set will blend bog oak, ivory and sterling silver...
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  9. #1718
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeT View Post
    Dang Steve! Those are in great shape! Wanna sell them?! hehehe I doubt it..
    I assumed that the originals were dressed in ivory but had never seen to know.
    Was thinking about it, but I don't have perfectly matching ivory and with my Joseph Rodgers Weekender I wanted some contrast between the scales and tang... and so will be putting black bog oak on them with ivory wedges and custom made sterling silver ornate collars and a silver inlay (optional). The whole set will blend bog oak, ivory and sterling silver...

    That sounds cool MikeT.

    They aren't a perfect match colorize but I don't care. I just got lucky on 'em & I couldn't believe I got two not far apart & just different as far as jimps & color. The scale shape is identical. It's always a plus when ya get something in Ivory these days. Maybe I'll run across a two razor wooden box for some one day.

  10. #1719
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by engine46 View Post
    That sounds cool MikeT.

    They aren't a perfect match colorize but I don't care. I just got lucky on 'em & I couldn't believe I got two not far apart & just different as far as jimps & color. The scale shape is identical. It's always a plus when ya get something in Ivory these days. Maybe I'll run across a two razor wooden box for some one day.
    Yeah those are real beauties! I'll keep my eyes peeled for a Joseph Rodgers box for you.. just typed it in and saved the search on the Bay for you. One should pop up. .. seem to see these in pairs so...

  11. #1720
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    Photo update

    Making headway, albeit slowly
    Some splotchy piting. Is this what is referred to as Devil's spit?
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    Geezer, sharptonn and MikeT like this.

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