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Thread: The Wall Of Shame
05-12-2016, 06:29 PM #1031
That description on the W&B is priceless.
05-14-2016, 08:04 PM #1032
Hello gents,
I havent stopped by auction talk for a while but felt compelled when I saw this one... maybe Im missing something, please let me know if I need to get a second mortgage and snatch this one up..
my link isnt working so just copy and paste this in the search engine on the bay..
"POSSIBLY THE RAREST vintage straight shaving razor A COLLECTOR WOULD WANT"
At $28000.00 Im getting buyers remorse and I simply read the title! lol“You must unlearn what you have learned.”
– Yoda
05-14-2016, 08:14 PM #1033
Ah, yes, I believe that one showed up in this thread a page or two ago. Though the scales are gorgeous, that fact has absolutely no bearing on the quality of the shave
Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.
05-14-2016, 09:07 PM #1034
Does anyone has a link to the $28000.00 razor? I can't find it.. That is why pictures should be posted and not only links! Links don't last forever.
05-14-2016, 09:50 PM #1035
I could be wrong here but I have never seen a Wade & Butcher FBU identifying it as that with acid etch. I have some & all of them are stamped plus every one of them I have seen were stamped but when I saw this one, it stuck out like a sore thumb right away & I felt something was wrong with it. First of all, it looks reground & I believe this seller got him an acid etch setup. Like I said, I could be wrong but what stood out right away was the word "Celebrated". I just snapped one of these up really cheap (an 8/8) a few weeks ago & it is stamped.
Wade and Butcher Sheffield Celebrated 1" wide 8/8 straight razor with horn scale
Wade and Butcher Sheffield Celebrated 1" Wide 8 8 Straight Razor with Horn Scale | eBay
In this pic, you can see the reground marks don't exactly match up at the stabilizer so I suspect he reground it & then did his acid etching. It even looks like it is a tad narrower at the heel because he removed the hone wear as opposed to the toe.
These next two pics show how light the said etch is...........
Now, here is my Celebrated Wade & Butcher FBU. My observation is that they stamped the Celebrated FBU & Barber's Rattler on the blade & the others were stamped on the tang.
What do you think? Doesn't the one in the eBay listing look like it was acid etched & it is nothing more than a large Wade & Butcher razor & not a real FBU? Even the Wade & Butcher Masonic, they did have a stamped version & an acid etched version but they were exact. Like I said, I could be wrong here. I might be opening mouth & inserting foot!
It just doesn't look right to me.
05-14-2016, 10:03 PM #1036
Is this another one of his fakes?
Wade and Butcher Sheffield Masonic Large Straight Razor with Original Horn Scale | eBayShave the Lather...
05-14-2016, 10:51 PM #1037
Oops! Me & my big mouth!
This one (& the etched & reground W&B Engine46 posted) were both posted in this subforum, just not this thread lol. I knew I'd seen those two around here (SRP) somewhere, recently. Just had a brain fart when it came to what thread lol. edited by Crawler; 05-14-2016 at 10:53 PM. Reason: Links added.
Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.
05-14-2016, 11:46 PM #1038
It figures. I usually miss the exact one I seem to be posting about. I have seen quite a bit of funny listings including that pocket knife listed as a straight razor that was posted earlier. I better speed up.................
Thanks Crawler!
I saw one earlier that had a ruler next to the blade to show the width but the blade has chunks missing out of it. You couldn't even make a nice shorty out of it!!!!Last edited by engine46; 05-14-2016 at 11:52 PM.
05-17-2016, 01:18 PM #1039
05-22-2016, 04:49 PM #1040
I asked the seller if the razor had been modified or if it where the rare extended tang model. He said that as far as he could tell it was all original and had not been modified. lol.