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  1. #111
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scorpio
    I am a Instructor for the Texas Department of Public Safety. I have the North Texas region and I am resposible for close to 200 law enforcement agencies and their crime statistics. This keeps me on the road 90% of the time. DFW is like my second home. Before this I have 12 years combined law enforcement and Army experience.

    Unfortunately, I've met a few of your co-workers!

    RT (Living in Utah, but not hiding from TX Law Enforcement!)

  2. #112
    Senior Member mrcleanhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C utz
    Now I go to a PO in Cambridge, and the guy looks at me with a menacing look and say's , "This razor isn't a straight edge by any chance, because it's illegal to send those through usps and besides, they are dangerous!". I sort of chuckled, gave him the raised eyebrow look of 'who farted?!' and said, "Jeez, no!". Shaking my head in that "there are all sorts these day's, huh?".

    Anyway, we need you to work from the 'inside' to make it clear that these are alright to ship....

    C utz
    Hi Chris and anyone whose interested,

    I checked with a clerk (who by the way is a royal pain in the about everything) and my postmaster. I was told shipping straight razors, as long as they are packed appropriately so they don't come out of the outer packaging, is perfectly okay. The clerk also added "Don't they fold into a handle anyway?". So if you have any problem with that clerk ask for the postmaster or tell any of them you'll ask consumer affairs. They hate consumer affairs. Like I told you just another postal worker with delusions of grandeur.


  3. #113
    Senior Member Damon's Avatar
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    I Freelanced Graphics Design from my home office. I am a former Instructor and Student of Westwood College in Denver Colorado. Where I graduated Alpha Beta Kappa, with a Degree in Graphic Design. I also hold a Degree in Electronics from The Denver Institute of Technology and a certification in Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing for mechanical fabrication from Ball Aero Space. I have six years experience as a graphics designer and ten years as a freelance photographer. Learned 4 years of Silversmithing from my cousin making me a third generation silversmith. I've dabbled a bit in many things from television repair, medical life support and respirator design, component level repair on computers ATM's and radio equipment to camera repair for Pentax corporation. Currently unable to work due to unresolvable medical issues. WHICH SUCK.
    Last edited by Damon; 11-19-2006 at 06:07 AM.

  4. #114
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    I am a systems software engineer.
    My job is mainly to make things work together.
    Hardware with software, software with other software etc...
    This is also my hobby

    I've been doing this for 9 years now since I got my masters degree in electronics.

  5. #115
    Senior Member spacetoast's Avatar
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    My wife and I own a small bath and body company. We make lotions and stuff mainly for the ladies. We recently bought another small company that does more high-end spa stuff. Once that is all settled and going smoothly, I plan on doing some men's products.

    Before this, I was a mechanical engineer working at an aerospace company that makes data recorders for spacecraft. I designed boxes that the electronics were housed in which were then mounted to the spacecraft.
    Last edited by spacetoast; 11-22-2006 at 06:00 AM. Reason: cuz I kant spel

  6. #116
    Aficionado trackzilla's Avatar
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    I am a software Patent Agent finishing my last year of law school all the while searching for the illusory perfect job. Prior to my foray into the legal field, I worked as a private software consultant and network security analyst.

  7. #117
    A Cut Above the Rest Yourmum90's Avatar
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    About two months ago i used to be A Duty manager of a Leisure centre but recently i left my job and decided to have ago at office work, i have been doing it for about 4months now and loving everyminute of it, mainly just doing medical research for a top Diet (VLCD) company in the UK currently branching to the US.

  8. #118
    Senior Member gfoster's Avatar
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    Sorry guys, I've been AWOL for a bit so I'm catching up here on my reading.

    I'm a professional computer geek. I just started a new job as a Tools Engineer for a startup gaming company in San Francisco (prior to this job, you may remember I was working as a programmer at eBay). I write software, mainly server side stuff. I do around a dozen different languages and at the moment I actually *use* about 4 different languages in my job (programming languages, that is).

    Job is busier than heck and between the job and the new marriage my "available time" meter has pegged low

    -- Gary F.

  9. #119
    Whisker wacker Shorty's Avatar
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    These days I am a self-employed I.T. consultant working from home for the past 6 years. PC build, service & installation, web design/marketing and some computer graphics work. So "I.T. geek" sums it up.

    I am also a qualified locksmith and security system installation engineer of about 12 years experience.

    Hide yer razors boys

  10. #120
    Honely Challenged drsch3's Avatar
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    I'm a software developer at an Australian University

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