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  1. #131
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Technically, I'm a SOHO technology consultant. Smaller businesses that can't afford to hire a techie full time hire me for a few hours to fix their backlog of crap, plus home stuff.

    I've also got a background in aircraft composites. Interesting stuff, but it's not where my heart is.

    It's not a job, but I love to tinker with my truck and motorcycle.

  2. #132
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    What are you ridin'?

  3. #133
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    Another attorney here. I specilize in the defesnse of the employer and the insurance carrier in workers' compensation claims.

    When I went to law school I had the dream of doing something great, of creating a greater and better society, I longed to defend claim in work comp???? well, it pays the bills.

  4. #134
    Senior Member blabbermouth JLStorm's Avatar
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    I dont even know what I do anymore...I cant explain it to anyone else and my company isnt even sure at this point...but Im busy and they keep sending me checks.

  5. #135
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    What haven't I done... probable a shorter list...

    Lets see... Pet shops (many) dealing in Fish and Reptiles, Airport ground crew, Gunsmith, Propane sales, Army infintry, Werehouse, Ordering for a liquere store, Bouncer at a topless joint , ect ect... Now I've settled down and have locked into food service I will have my own Brew Pub

  6. #136
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT View Post
    What are you ridin'?
    I used to race motocross, but what I have now is a pit bike- it's a 4 stroke 125 in a small frame, made for adults. It's what I'm on in my avatar. Tons o fun

    There might be a chance of me selling it soon to put in a transmission in my truck though. It makes me sad, but a new transmission would make me happy

  7. #137
    Always falling jimmyman's Avatar
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    Special Agent in U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command. For those of you out there that hate me now, just remember, were not all complete dicks...

  8. #138
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    I don't know if I already replied or not. Can't find an earlier post here...

    Anyway, I am a system software developer who ended up in a big pharmaceutical company. Half of my job is to write software for integrating different software packages, and the other half I am sys adminning to keep the process control network going.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  9. #139
    Senior Member WireBeard's Avatar
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    I worked as a Russian/German linguist in the U.S. Army's Intelligence and Security Command for 12 years, serving in Germany twice, working as a military instructor, and finishing at NSA at Ft. Meade.

    After the Army, hobby turned profession: worked as a chef for 2 years, specializing in European and "Spa" style cuisines.

    Then 3 years with the Baltimore City Police Department - 2 years as a beat cop in Western District (one of the top 10 crime areas in the US) and then 1 year as a detective in Internal Affairs.

    Left to make use of all the computer skills the Army gave me and moved to a little slice of heave on Earth called Colorado. Two years in IT in Telecom, then moved to Big 5 consulting for IT Project Management with KPMG (now BearingPoint), specializing in IT for Telecom, Government Services, and International Trade.

    Currently doing independent consulting for IT project management and administration for a Healthcare Insurance company.

    I have lived/worked in Germany, Russia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Romania, Turkey, the Netherlands and in Illinois (home state), Texas, Missouri, California, Arizona, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Florida, and lovely Colorado.

    Besides RAD, HAD (hones), QSAD (quality soaps), and recently StAD (strops), I am also a serious coffee nut, pipes (love blends using Latakia), wines (Italian esp.), cigars (Montecristo, Partaga), and chocolate (Valhrona, Babaev, Korkunov).



  10. #140
    JMS is offline
    Usagi Yojimbo JMS's Avatar
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    When I was young I did a little ranch work with my father. After that I joined the military. I was in the U.S. Navy for seven years as a cook/baker. When I got out I went straight to baking for another thirteen years! during this time I became increasingly interested in mechanics. I proceeded to teach myself about the mechanics and electrical workings of the bakery equipment I used everyday! I then went to work for a bakery repair company in Tempe AZ. for three years. I have since opened my own company in San Diego CA. fixing bakery and restaurant equipment, and am now in the process of getting a minor use permit for my little acre of heaven to run a wholesale bread bakery!

    Mark Avery

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