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Thread: Pondering......

  1. #61
    epd is offline
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    Default Re: Pondering......

    Our system in Canada is designed to protect ourselves from our guns. Most (by far) of the gun deaths here are suicide. Should you decide to kill yourself or someone else, the extra minutes it takes to prepare your weapon is usually enough time for a logical second thought, just for everyone's perspective.
    Do I wish I could keep a pistol in my nightstand? Maybe, not with kids in the house and to be perfectly honest I feel pretty safe in my home. Would I drywall a 12 gauge into a wall of my bedroom, yes. You know, "in case of emergency break glass"
    IMO there is no solution, we are not vigilantes, and we/they will not be there to interrupt the next shooting, rape, murder ect.
    I would ponder that humans are just as capable of unimaginable things, as they are capable of good things, and maybe its time we ALL turn to god for help.
    I still am in disbelief of someone pulling the trigger on young children, so sad.

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  2. #62
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    I think it might help as well, but why even have a handgun then? Don't forget the whole handgun thing. I was asked a few times in Canada if I wanted to get one - but I couldn't understand the logic.

    I love handgun shooting! Love it, but a handguns sole purpose to me is to kill people. I have no illusions of myself going out and hunting with one. A beautiful 30-30 lever, or a nice .260 is what I'll reach for - or my bow. So being that I need to dismantle it, and safe it makes it useless. Moreover, I expect I'll know when the Apocalypse is coming... in which case I'll grab that 30-30 again.

    Moreover in Ontario, owning a handgun dictates that the RCMP can enter your house without a warrant at any time to make sure it's properly stored. That's not a freedom I wished to lose for my love of plinking with a handgun.

    Yeah it's a whole different mindset and a whole different set of reasoning. But now that I type all that - I will say that if Rhynio's were not nearly extinct, heading out with a nice revolver and a set of cohones... that would be uh, killer LOL!!
    SO David, am I to infer that because a handgun's purpose to you is strictly to kill people, that I should believe the same?

    I've had handguns all my adult life. I've yet to kill anyone with one. I have used to one to save my stuff on a couple of occasions. All I had to do was present it in a convincing manner. Worked like a hose.

    I suppose maybe this analogy would be appropriate, those of us with tattoos don't really care if somebody doesn't have any tattoos. Yet a lot of folks without tats get all bent about those of us that do. I would apply the same about firearms.

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    Member Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club, participant SE Asia War Games 1972-1973. The oath I swore has no statute of limitation.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by EMC45 View Post
    Why, do tell, is it that when some folks suggest effective methods of reducing violence they are silenced? There has been talk lately of arming school employees after the tragedy (continue to pray for the families please) in CT and people are vehemently opposed to this. It works in a certain school district in TX. We allow armored car drivers to carry a gun to protect money (abominable) who go to our schools and universities, yet wil not allow trained individuals to carry and protect our precious children. The liberal mindset is lunacy. It is based on emotion and knee jerk reaction, not logic, statistical fact or reason WRONG WRONG WRONG ... LOOK AT THE REST OF THE WORLD. These same liberal politicians who want to take guns are themselves protected by armed guards. I cannot afford an armed security team. Neither can my children.
    Look at the rest of the world, statistics show fewer people are killed per year, per population when firearms are rescinded.

    This story was brought up during the discussions that was shut down "Knife-wielding man injures 22 children in China"

    Key words here INJURED, not killed. There is evidence all over the place, you just don't want to see/believe it.

  4. #64
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wullie View Post
    SO David, am I to infer that because a handgun's purpose to you is strictly to kill people, that I should believe the same?

    I've had handguns all my adult life. I've yet to kill anyone with one. I have used to one to save my stuff on a couple of occasions. All I had to do was present it in a convincing manner. Worked like a hose.

    I suppose maybe this analogy would be appropriate, those of us with tattoos don't really care if somebody doesn't have any tattoos. Yet a lot of folks without tats get all bent about those of us that do. I would apply the same about firearms.
    Heck No Wullie!! Not at all! You believe what you wish! Seriously!

    I said that for me handguns sole purpose is to kill people. I guess I could add to deter... deter you with the threat that I'll kill you if you mess around! LOL! I am not that good a shot! .

    I don't care if you have a gun either... or a tattoo lol! But seriously - if a handgun sole purpose isn't for killing people, what is it? You aren't going to tell me that you need one to hunt are you?

    On another note! Check out this story! WOW:

    After Newtown, Sales Boom for Kids' Body Armor | Mother Jones

  5. #65
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wullie View Post
    I suppose maybe this analogy would be appropriate, those of us with tattoos don't really care if somebody doesn't have any tattoos. Yet a lot of folks without tats get all bent about those of us that do. I would apply the same about firearms.
    Wullie, just so you know, I have both tattoos and guns and will do my damndest to care and protect those that do and don't should a situation arise even if they don't care about me.
    EMC45, Wullie and earcutter like this.

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  7. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by straightrazorheaven View Post
    Look at the rest of the world, statistics show fewer people are killed per year, per population when firearms are rescinded.

    This story was brought up during the discussions that was shut down "Knife-wielding man injures 22 children in China"

    Key words here INJURED, not killed. There is evidence all over the place, you just don't want to see/believe it.
    That was but ONE of several instances of attacks on children in China. I don't recall the exact numbers, but it was around 90 kids that have been killed in China by attacks with knives, samurai swords, and gasoline. I would think that is relevant to the discussion but the media thinks otherwise.

    The INJURED children in the story you mentioned had ears cut off, fingers cut off, and stab/slash wounds. Yeah, they'll live. They'll be scarred physically and emotionally as will all the kids in that school.

    What that kid in CN did was as low as it gets. That POS ruined a lot of lives and dreams. Any number of things could have stopped it. He tried to buy a rifle and was refused. The system worked. He broke over 30 laws to accomplish his chosen goal. I wonder how many kids and teachers he could have killed with a sack full of molotov cocktails.

    While we're lamenting the loss of innocent children, does anyone have a good head count of those that have been killed in drone attacks in Syria and Pakistan sponsored by our government? I'd bet it's a HELL of lot higher than 20. Maybe it's because those kids are half a world away so they don't count.
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    Member Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club, participant SE Asia War Games 1972-1973. The oath I swore has no statute of limitation.

  8. #67
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    Heck No Wullie!! Not at all! You believe what you wish! Seriously!

    I said that for me handguns sole purpose is to kill people. I guess I could add to deter... deter you with the threat that I'll kill you if you mess around! LOL! I am not that good a shot! .

    I don't care if you have a gun either... or a tattoo lol! But seriously - if a handgun sole purpose isn't for killing people, what is it? You aren't going to tell me that you need one to hunt are you?

    On another note! Check out this story! WOW:

    After Newtown, Sales Boom for Kids' Body Armor | Mother Jones
    David, I used to hunt with pistols. I've taken deer and hogs with them.

    My eyes aren't what they used to be so I don't play that game anymore.

    I've killed more venomous snakes with pistols than I can count too.

    So there.
    earcutter likes this.
    Member Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club, participant SE Asia War Games 1972-1973. The oath I swore has no statute of limitation.

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  10. #68
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    When I was a kid it was fallout shelters.
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  12. #69
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    Post #67 Bang on Wullie. What happened in CN is not about guns its about a Mentally ill person who was pissed because his mother was trying to get him commited. The system failed. We truly need to........... Well its a big problem and i swing a wrench for a living.
    Wullie, earcutter and BobH like this.

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  14. #70
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wullie View Post
    David, I used to hunt with pistols. I've taken deer and hogs with them.

    My eyes aren't what they used to be so I don't play that game anymore.

    I've killed more venomous snakes with pistols than I can count too.

    So there.
    I hear you Wullie - I do!! They are great tools to have around, and whatever you do, when I say something about said tools... Note I view them as tools, though I understand your love for them, I am not running down your mother or wife or anything lol.

    Using them for other reasons is great - I agree. But that's not what 99% of handguns were designed for - in my opinion.

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