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Thread: Pipe of the Day

  1. #13631
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    Well im back guys . My leg is bruised and it hurts on every step , but im fine . It is some kind of nightmare as i crave a rest , but dayly routines , dont gave me a aminute piece During the treatment i have some orders and aftyer the black friday i dont have a minute of rest . I howp the bruising pass faster as it gave me some hard time
    I was smoking FVF of Gawith and now in smoking petersns University flake . Mainly dark virginias i crave now
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  2. #13632
    Senior Member apipeguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RusenBG View Post
    Well im back guys . My leg is bruised and it hurts on every step , but im fine . It is some kind of nightmare as i crave a rest , but dayly routines , dont gave me a aminute piece During the treatment i have some orders and aftyer the black friday i dont have a minute of rest . I howp the bruising pass faster as it gave me some hard time
    I was smoking FVF of Gawith and now in smoking petersns University flake . Mainly dark virginias i crave now
    Glad your back and hope you will mend quickly.
    lz6, briarup and Razorfaust like this.

  3. #13633
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    Starting off Thanksgiving with a nice bowl of Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake. In a Savinelli Punto ORO. I used a cube cutting technique to process the thick leathery flakes into a nice smokeable mass by tearing strips and chopping em with a scissor before packing em in. I seem to be enjoying this tobacco very much all of a sudden and its pretty dried out. Hmmm note to self. Happy Thanksgiving.
    lz6, apipeguy and ejmolitor37 like this.
    Don't drink and shave!

  4. #13634
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    I am smoking a Sam Gawith bright and red virdjinia - Golden Glow Sweet stuff Anyway a bit raw - i like Golden slice of Orlic better
    This pipe was siting 2 weeks blasted so i manage o put a due on it and finish it .
    9 MM monster egg with deep craggy blast

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    JimmyHAD, EMC45, lz6 and 6 others like this.

  5. #13635
    Senior Member blabbermouth ejmolitor37's Avatar
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    Well, I have done burned a small hole in the center of my pocket cob. I know I am not the first so I will plug the little fella and move on Today I had a bowl of the Sir Walter Raleigh aromatic I purchased and after learning a bit on my technique from reading and different videos it is not as bad of a tabacco as I originally thought. The first time I tried it a few days ago I thought lord this tastes like a cheap cigar! But actually today I was able to get some of the sweetness from it and really enjoyed it this time. Really enjoyed the last few days of my pipe journey, it is a lot like my straights, it is me time and its nice.

  6. #13636
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    I have waited a very long time to open this tin. Bought the 965 in November 2009. Yep, seven years old.

    Decided to use one of my fav pipes:

    A 1980 Sasieni 4 Dot Danzey XS Rustic in about a size 2 bowl.
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    If you don't care where you are, you are not lost.

  7. #13637
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    Morning glory wth a golden chubby pot and Golden glow virginias .
    The last evening they take me to the capital for a Bulgarian Pipemakers reunion Nice scotch , cool beers , a lot of pipes and tobaccos .
    I get as a gift from a felow pipemaker Getz , this beautifull nosewarmer pot with emerald collor inlay from a berch tumor i think - stabilized wood .

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    JimmyHAD, EMC45, 32t and 6 others like this.

  8. #13638
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    Well here we are - 3 famous and 1 unfamous pipemakers - me .
    From right to left George Boyadjiev , Georgi Todorov aka GETZ q , Kolyo Demirev and the white shirt 1858 is me Rusi .
    Just druyng fast a botle of scotch , looking many pipes and smoking in my frends ,George Boyadjiev workshop in Sofia .
    Second picture is some random briar piecess rolling on George workbench
    Life is good somethimes

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    JimmyHAD, EMC45, 32t and 5 others like this.

  9. #13639
    Senior Member blabbermouth ejmolitor37's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RusenBG View Post
    Well here we are - 3 famous and 1 unfamous pipemakers - me .
    From right to left George Boyadjiev , Georgi Todorov aka GETZ q , Kolyo Demirev and the white shirt 1858 is me Rusi .
    Just druyng fast a botle of scotch , looking many pipes and smoking in my frends ,George Boyadjiev workshop in Sofia .
    Second picture is some random briar piecess rolling on George workbench
    Life is good somethimes

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    That is awesome looks like a great time!

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  10. #13640
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    Yeah a bussy program Ive been 2 days in the capital .:dinly meeting frends pipesmokers from all my country , and the other 4 pipemakers from Bulgaria The 4 is a Desislav Getchev .
    I cut the throat of a 1 Peterson Perfect plug and just using my new pipe

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    JimmyHAD, EMC45, 32t and 4 others like this.

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