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Thread: What are you working on?

  1. #10191
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HARRYWALLY View Post
    Thanks Tom, I am proud of it, but just really glad it's done so I can enjoy it. The girls really love it, so that makes me even more happy.

    Those brass windows, you should definitely recess in the drywall. That would look epic all polished up, with razors in behind!
    I have 3 girls. Anytime you can get the kids over for a fire will cement friendships and give dad a look out the window. They will be teens sooner than you think!
    Great investment, IMO.

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  3. #10192
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Andrew, everyone's thinking it so I'll ask, where's the blower tying in to your new open face forge?
    It's absolutely gorgeous buddy, well done and gonna be well enjoyed I have no doubt.
    And tom, those yacht portals, in the drywall, uber cool. Are you adding accent lights in there as well?
    So happy to find a few minutes with a bourbon to catch up on a few threads gents.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
    Steven Wright

  4. #10193
    Senior Member Mrchick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HARRYWALLY View Post
    Thanks Tom, I am proud of it, but just really glad it's done so I can enjoy it. The girls really love it, so that makes me even more happy.

    Those brass windows, you should definitely recess in the drywall. That would look epic all polished up, with razors in behind!
    It's a beautiful fireplace. I would love to have something like that.

  5. #10194
    I love Burls....... and Acrylic HARRYWALLY's Avatar
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    where's the blower tying in to your new open face forge?
    Haha. Yeeeeeah, I wish!!
    sharptonn, MikeB52 and Dieseld like this.
    Burls, Girls, and all things that Swirl....

  6. #10195
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Those old portholes are pretty cool, and I have to say I am a little envious again.
    That is a nice looking fireplace and I have to agree that one more spot for bonding is awesome. If you feed their friends you will always know where everyone is and what they are doing.
    I have one custom. If I get a chance to get one from a specific maker I will get a second. Other than that I am likely not buying another.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  7. #10196
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Reckon you are in the wrong discussion on the customs thing, Rez!

    Easy to do!
    ejmolitor37 and Dieseld like this.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to sharptonn For This Useful Post:

    RezDog (08-05-2017)

  9. #10197
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    Moving further experimenting with inlays - this time with MOP. Due to costs I opted to recycle an old project / scales
    Scale to recycle

    Following the same idea as the previous project with camel bone. I couldn't risk to shorten the tail panel any further(for the sake of proportions) without compromising the blade's fit. I'll use the original pivot drill to secure the panels further. One inlay is done, the other is in place, I have only to pin and polish it

    Overall assembling

    If missus doesn't have additional & unexpected plans, I'll have a good chance to finish it this week-end...
    Last edited by moutonrouge; 08-05-2017 at 04:58 AM.

  10. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to moutonrouge For This Useful Post:

    ejmolitor37 (08-05-2017), Geezer (08-05-2017), mihai (08-05-2017), RezDog (08-05-2017), xiaotuzi (08-08-2017)

  11. #10198
    Senior Member jmabuse's Avatar
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    Default fixing warped and bug-bitten horn scales

    So, I used my super-high-tech, very expensive custom horn scale press to straighten up them scales for that Chabrol a Paris razor. First I soaked them in hot water and tried getting them bendy. But they still came out like this:

    Name:  IMG_20170804_220835.jpg
Views: 250
Size:  43.5 KB

    Here is my super-high-tech, very expensive custom horn scale press, made from a slab of vintage distressed reclaimed lumber:

    Name:  IMG_20170804_221355.jpg
Views: 249
Size:  23.9 KB

    Here is what it looks like loaded with the scales in parchment paper prior to going into the oven:

    Name:  IMG_20170804_232017.jpg
Views: 191
Size:  30.8 KB

    And here is the result after an hour or maybe 90 minutes at 250 F, then an hour of cooling in the press after being removed from the oven:

    Name:  IMG_20170805_001753.jpg
Views: 181
Size:  27.4 KB

    Now it's time to fill in the bug bites with epoxy. But I have to go to the airport again tomorrow afternoon so I won't be able to finish the process until next weekend.

  12. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to jmabuse For This Useful Post:

    Geezer (08-05-2017), RezDog (08-05-2017), sharptonn (08-05-2017)

  13. #10199
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    @moutonrouge, looks great your scales.
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  14. #10200
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    So in my domed-glass antique frame debacle, I see there are a bunch for sale on Eboy....
    Then, I pass these up out in the shop. Tell myself I should get that up over the office to store......A friend gave them to me. Said they came from his grandfather's yacht.

    Dammitt! Solid brass. Thumbscrews and hinges.

    Backs put in...

    Recessed into the drywall......

    Razors inside. Things are finally getting sick for me. Thank goodness!

    Attachment 270215
    If those aren't screaming for some 3M
    I've seen those before, some with clocks in them, others with marine trinkets in them.

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