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Thread: What are you working on?

  1. #11401
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geezer View Post
    Those, on the other hand, hone-up super easy!

  2. #11402
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmabuse View Post
    Razors are small, so this will last a long time:
    I seen they sell it at too. Guess im just going to have to order some. Thanks for the link.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  3. #11403
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Hi Folks,A request...
    When quoting, please remove/ delete the photos/ links from your reply. The photos do take up a huge amount of storage space on the servers.
    I used to get my butt chewed regularly for forgetting that fact and request.
    Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
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  4. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Geezer For This Useful Post:

    cudarunner (10-31-2017), Dieseld (11-01-2017), engine46 (11-01-2017), outback (10-31-2017), RezDog (10-31-2017), sharptonn (11-02-2017)

  5. #11404
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    I try to always practice what I preach.

    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    As far as I'm concerned ANY and ALL celluloid needs to have an eye kept on them. Better safe than sorry.

    While I've never heard of it happening to razors, I've read of knife guys who have stored their vintage knives with celluloid handles in a box or such together only to open it a year or two later and find then entire group rusted beyond help.
    So yesterday I rummaged through my seldom used razors and they are just kept on a shelf and not in a display of any kind and found this and it wasn't like that not so long ago.

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    The bottom is in celluloid and the one that was by it is in wood. It's rather apparent that the bottom razor will be freed from it's enemy.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to cudarunner For This Useful Post:

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  7. #11405
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Bummer Roy. Hope it cleans up easy. I guess sense mine are d8splayed i should notice if something goes bad.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  8. #11406
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    Bummer Roy. Hope it cleans up easy. I guess sense mine are d8splayed i should notice if something goes bad.
    Don't develop a False Sense of Security about having the razors on display where the are more readily seen. Only the front scale was gassing the back of the blade looks untouched. Only when you would pick it up would you see that the rust was slowly moving across the spine and then find the damage on the other side (that is IF it would have been the back scale going to hell).

    The top razor should be a piece of cake, the bottom will lose it's gold wash/at least it wasn't a really valuable razor. I was able to salvage the collars. I traced the scales for a pattern for new ones now just to make new ones.

    Note: Glen (GSSIXGUN) turned me onto Kroil Oil, the stuff is great! A drop on one side, let the oil creep for a bit, turn the razor over apply a drop and let it sit for a bit. I like it much better than WD40 but the WD does have it's uses.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to cudarunner For This Useful Post:

    Geezer (11-01-2017)

  10. #11407
    Senior Member CamMorris's Avatar
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    Name:  IMG_0046.jpg
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Size:  32.0 KBFinally got these scales finished! Was originally going to use these on a Henckles Fridor blade, but it has quiet a bit of hone wear. I recently found this Griffon XX model 00, great blade with broken scales and decided to use these scales with it! I have several Griffon " Carbo-Magnetic" razors, this one is before the C--M trademark days and its the only model 00 I have seen.Name:  IMG_0048.jpg
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    The scales are ivory paper micarta they finish up looking like polished bone or antique ivory!
    Stay Sharp!
    Last edited by CamMorris; 11-01-2017 at 12:58 PM.

  11. #11408
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    Note: Glen (GSSIXGUN) turned me onto Kroil Oil, the stuff is great! A drop on one side, let the oil creep for a bit, turn the razor over apply a drop and let it sit for a bit. I like it much better than WD40 but the WD does have it's uses.
    "Don't oil it, Kroil it!" goes back in my life to the Forties and worked well then also. I also use it for machine shop lube. For a moving join like a hinge, the graphited product not only penetrates but lubes.
    Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
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  12. #11409
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Thanks guys, I have book marked that site and will order some for delivery for my next trip to the US.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  13. #11410
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I have managed to clean-up my blades and scales. Light polishing with outback's 'blade bling' and did the hot-stamps with the little wax sticks, also from outback.
    next to blue the tangs, then assemble with Austin's silver collars....

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