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Thread: What are you working on?

  1. #12991
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Thanks, Roy. Yep, Its Sunday DAY for me. Bedtime will be around 6 am so I can get rested up for my Monday morning that will be around 1 pm on Saturday. If that makes sense to you then you're better than me. Ha. I just know when I need to be in bed and get up. Time to break out a hone.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  2. #12992
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    This arrived today...

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    After pinning and a quick clean-up.

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    There was a deep cut on the scale that you can't see. I put a drop of superglue in that and after it dried put a light coat of matching nail polish over that.

    I wanted to use chrome (rather than brass) pins and washers (I've only used brass in the past). When I tried to use the chrome pin the hole in the scales were a little tight.

    Luckily I had just purchased (and never used) a small pin vise and I used that to make the hole slightly larger.

    While doing that the wedge broke in half. I reglued that and then put a drop on one scale only to reinforce that (so that it can still be unpinned if necessary).

    The pinning took a little longer than with brass but it was otherwise uneventful.

    I cleaned the blades mainly with Mother's aluminum polish but I had to bring out the sand paper for the larger spot on the blade and then some higher grades to shine up and make more visible the markings on the tang.

    The razor is a Rudolf Schmidt "Bambola" (Italian for doll) and the emblem is a doll wrapped in a blanket and the same design is marked on the tang as well.

    I've honed it now but I haven't shaved with it yet. The blade edge was fine though (no pitting).

    I only paid $15 including shipping but since I had no chrome pinning supplies I had to pay another $15 for that.

    Once I bid $60 for one of these with a larger blade (this one is 5/8") that had a lot of writing on the blade. Ones in very good condition generally go for $130 or more (the larger blade with the blade markings).

    My interest in this was as a small "project" and because I like somewhat unusual razors with emblems on the scales. At this price I figured I couldn't go wrong and it was a fun but not major project (since I finished it in the same day that it arrived in the mail).
    Last edited by gcbryan; 04-28-2018 at 06:20 AM.
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  3. #12993
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Looking great, guys!

  4. #12994
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Default AND I THOUGHT-------------------

    I proudly call myself an old redneck country boy.

    Here I was today flat on my back changing a starter out in my '88 Jeep Cherokee outside on my driveway.

    After changing out the starter and testing it I put the tools away and went inside. About an hour later I hears some loud cussing and such so I opened the door to see what the commotion was and this was going on next door.

    And I thought I was a Redneck.

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    The cussing was because the were having trouble getting the hoist to move on the pavement
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  5. #12995
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    I proudly call myself an old redneck country boy.

    Here I was today flat on my back changing a starter out in my '88 Jeep Cherokee outside on my driveway.

    After changing out the starter and testing it I put the tools away and went inside. About an hour later I hears some loud cussing and such so I opened the door to see what the commotion was and this was going on next door.

    And I thought I was a Redneck.

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    The cussing was because the were having trouble getting the hoist to move on the pavement
    You may still be a Redneck feller but you've definitely got some company!

  6. #12996
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gcbryan View Post
    You may still be a Redneck feller but you've definitely got some company!
    Company or Competition???
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  7. #12997
    32t is offline
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    Us rednecks have to stick together.

    Did you bring out 3 beers and offer to help to roll the truck back rather than the hoist forward?

  8. #12998
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    Us rednecks have to stick together.

    Did you bring out 3 beers and offer to help to roll the truck back rather than the hoist forward?
    I may be a redneck but I'm not a stupid redneck. With that engine swinging wildly I thought that keeping my distance would be in my health's best interest. I had thought about rolling the truck back but figured that if they hadn't thought of that they may take offense at my 'intelligent' suggestion.

    Which brings to mind a story.

    A man's driving down the road and he loses a wheel as the lug nuts had loosened up and fell off. He gets stopped right in front of a mental institute. He checks out the damage and starts to walk to town to buy new lug nuts.

    A patient is standing behind the fence and says; "Where you going"? The man sarcastically says; I'm going to town to get new lugs nuts so I can put my wheel back on". The patient say; "Why don't you take one lug nut off of the other three wheels and use them to put your wheel back on; then you can drive to town and get new lug nuts">

    The man says: "Hey that's good thinking. Why are you in there"? The patient says; "I'm crazy---not stupid".

    Yea I know the studs would have had to be replaced also but I like the story
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    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  9. #12999
    32t is offline
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    I have worked around many mental health patients and by far they may have issues but it is not because they are stupid.

    1998 Dodge ram 2500 nuts for the tie rod end are the same threads as a lug nut...........
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  10. #13000
    JP5 is offline
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    Loved that joke Roy. Wife laughed too.
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    - Joshua

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