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Thread: What are you working on?

  1. #18611
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    I just had this vision of purging a smaller sandblasting box with an Argon welding gas and then doing the transfers in there.

    Maybe overkill and more expensive but I had to laugh at myself how my mind wanders sometimes!
    Argon is heavier than air - could you not just pour out what you need and fill the top of the can containing the left overs with argon?

    From the fair warning dept.: I have absolutely no idea if that would work. I do like the marble/ball bearing idea too.
    ScoutHikerDad and 32t like this.

    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
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  2. #18612
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Bloxygen, Argon gas in a can. About $10. They claim it can lengthen some paint or finish up to 10 years of more.

  3. #18613
    Senior Member blabbermouth spazola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euclid440 View Post
    Bloxygen, Argon gas in a can. About $10. They claim it can lengthen some paint or finish up to 10 years of more.
    I have used this stuff with finishes that dry by oxidation, it worked pretty well. I have also poured a layer of mineral spirits on top of oil based finishes when putting them up for storage this works well also but does not last as long.

  4. #18614
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    One of the more well-known woodworkers said in a video that he had thrown out more oil-based finishes over the years than he has used, and he's a professional! Being just an occasional hobbyist, I just try to buy smaller amounts. One trick that works with TruOil (at least for awhile) is to just poke a pin-hole in the foil seal in the bottle. Of course you can't do that with a metal paint jar.
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  5. #18615
    DVW is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by randydance062449 View Post

    These will need heat treating and tempering before grinding.
    Okay, these are really cool. Why didn't I check this thread out earlier? This is a way better practice option than buying a worn out razor on ebay or a GD. I love the fact that they are not finished ground or heat treated. It's like all of the heavy lifting is done and just the fun parts are left!
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  6. #18616
    DVW is offline
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    I bought 4 of them for practice and examination (two of each color). One is going to my buddy as a gift.
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  7. #18617
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Not Razor related but here's my latest project.

    It's for an old friend. She emailed asking me if I could pick up some wine barrel halves she wanted to use as planters for her yard. They were $20 each which she tells me was 1/2 of what they were in the Lewiston/Clarkston area. She lives in Pomeroy and there's not much for shopping options.

    Turns out the guy selling them was less than a 4 blocks from me. I managed to get the 5 half barrels in the back of my Cherokee AND get the rear hatch closed. Once home into the garage/shop they went.

    I could see that they were well dried out and in fact some of the barrels were close to falling apart. I KNEW that if I just took them to her as they were she'd just fill them with soil and once the little nails rusted through that they would fall apart.

    Here's how most of the barrels were as far as tightness--

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    All of the hoops were held in place with six of these 1/2" long nails/one to each hoop 180 degs from each other.

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    After pulling all of the nails and using a 3# sledge and a piece of 6" long 1/2"X1/2" square piece of key stock as a punch to drive the hoops down solid I drilled out the holes in the hoops and then ran 3/4" long #10 flat head sheet metal screws to hold it all in place.

    I used 60 grit Garnet Sandpaper around the cut edges to smooth them up and help prevent splinters.

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    The barrels are made of oak which isn't the most rot resistant wood out there and I figure that the wood will rot away before those screws do.

    I'll take the barrels to her when I get a chance. I"m dog sitting for my oldest this weekend so maybe after they get back I can take them up next week.
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  8. #18618
    Senior Member Toroblanco's Avatar
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    I love wine barrel planters and have used them for years. I used to be able to pick them up localy for 15-20 bucks no problem. Now they sell for 40 in wine country and 60 localy. They are so popular now my two spots have dried out. Now I have to buy a whole used barrel and cut it myself but I liked cuda's idea and will give it a go on my next pair of planters. Thanks for sharing!

  9. #18619
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toroblanco View Post
    I love wine barrel planters and have used them for years. I used to be able to pick them up localy for 15-20 bucks no problem. Now they sell for 40 in wine country and 60 localy. They are so popular now my two spots have dried out. Now I have to buy a whole used barrel and cut it myself but I liked cuda's idea and will give it a go on my next pair of planters. Thanks for sharing!
    I hope my idea does work. Years ago my mother dragged some 1/2 barrels home, filled them with soil and put flower plants in them. It didn't seem to take long for the nails to rust through and the barrels fell apart.

    The corporate grocery chain that I made a career with (Safeway) used to bring in whole whiskey barrels and I'd have to cut them in half with my skill saw. As hard as I tried I couldn't get the cut to end up close to where I started. Finally the company got smart and had the barrels pre-cut. Whoever was doing the cutting always got the cut to within 1/8 of an inch of where they started. These barrels are cut very similar.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  10. #18620
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Working on the WB wedge. The scales made such a dramatic turn around I just can't believe it. I mean, horn always does. That's one of the cool things about it, but these went from blah to spectacular.
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    I sanded them lightly to preserve the old look, dyed them with hair dye which did almost nothing to the color then dyed them in dark brown Rit dye (on clearance by the way) then soaked in Neatsfoot for a couple of days. I'm pretty pleased with that. Still working on the blade. It looked like a wind chime case when I got it. I'll post more when it's together. I remembered to take the before, during and after pictures of each step with this one.
    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

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