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Thread: What are you working on?

  1. #19101
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    I honestly can't remember what we did along those lines in elementary school, but my high school classes for the last 25 years have all contributed generously every Christmas to a toy drive to benefit local charities. I manage the money, take up the contributions, appoint a shopping committee, they bring in the toys and learn about the joy of giving.
    Geezer, 32t, eddy79 and 4 others like this.
    There are many roads to sharp.

  2. #19102
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Sounds like your trying not to admit your age, Aaron. You have been in high school for how many years?
    It's just Sharpening, right?

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    RezDog (12-29-2020)

  4. #19103
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutHikerDad View Post
    I honestly can't remember what we did along those lines in elementary school, but my high school classes for the last 25 years have all contributed generously every Christmas to a toy drive to benefit local charities. I manage the money, take up the contributions, appoint a shopping committee, they bring in the toys and learn about the joy of giving.
    Semper Fi !


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    ScoutHikerDad (12-30-2020)

  6. #19104
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    Haven't posted in a while, but not because I wasn't working on anything. More has been too busy, to give me much time for posting a crap pile of pics of rusty razors, turned bright, shiny, and shaving again.

    What some of you may remember, is me making a deal with a new member, that joined the forum last August.

    He went by the name of Hardeeo2020_ He was looking for someone to clean up n hone a couple of razors from his fathers collection, ( used to be a barber ) that he'd inherited. ( 36 in all )

    The deal was, that Johntoad, another SRD member, offered to buy a certain, Clauss USMC from hardeeo's collection. I told Hardeeo I'd clean up his razors of choice, no charge, but for shipping to me, Johns included.

    What I ended up with, was all 36 razors, minus the rusty, cell rot razor, and a few barbers hones, and a near wore out coti. Johns razor was singled out in a ziplock, with a piece of paper that had a list of Hardeeoo's ,razors to restore. Which he added a couple more too, from which was agreed on. But that's why he sent it all....the others were mine, for the work, and appreciation.

    Attachment 328133

    I've never dealt with a "lot", like that.!
    Everything must have been coated with some type of grease, or petroleum jelly, at one time. But it had dried out, and got real sticky. I had to spray them down with goo gone, then scrub with a brush, using degreaser, and Lava hand soap.

    So after much work, I managed to salvage 24 of 29.
    Almost all had a frown, if lucky, just the beginning of a frown. Some, from bad honing techniques, others were honed into the stabilizer,

    All blades were brought back with 3M metal restorer/ polish, and 000 steel wool.

    Attachment 328133
    I remember this! Holy Smoke those turned out nice! I certainly appreciated what you and Harry did for me!
    Semper Fi !


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    outback (12-30-2020)

  8. #19105
    Member woodscavenger's Avatar
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    Razor #2 for me.
    Roughly 6/8 dimensions.
    1095, heated to temp in my propane forge, quenched in canola at 150. Tempered at 400 for and hour, twice. Ground to final shape and dimensions on my AmeriBrade (thanks Santa) and a 6”wheel. Blue acrylic scales cut from a large block. Honed 1k,3k,6k,8k,12k. First shave....mehhh. Back to reset the bevel and try again. Edge is a little uneven.

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  9. #19106
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by woodscavenger View Post
    Razor #2 for me.
    Roughly 6/8 dimensions.
    1095, heated to temp in my propane forge, quenched in canola at 150. Tempered at 400 for and hour, twice. Ground to final shape and dimensions on my AmeriBrade (thanks Santa) and a 6”wheel. Blue acrylic scales cut from a large block. Honed 1k,3k,6k,8k,12k. First shave....mehhh. Back to reset the bevel and try again. Edge is a little uneven.

    Name:  97698A6F-03BD-49FC-9C1C-882BC460AE1E.jpg
Views: 138
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    You know the old adage: "if at first you don't succeed, hone, hone again."
    RezDog and outback like this.
    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  10. #19107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    Sounds like your trying not to admit your age, Aaron. You have been in high school for how many years?
    I really did not want to laugh at this, but it got me anyway. I love bad jokes that just beat your groan into submission and let the laugh come out.
    32t, RezDog, Gasman and 1 others like this.
    If you're wondering I'm probably being sarcastic.

  11. #19108
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Ok. I finally got back to the hoarders corner and finished a set of scales. It’s been a while and it’s good to finish this one.
    Herder 49 in bone.
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    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  12. #19109
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Very nice. Rez.
    A New years shaver.!

    Those scales must of took some time, doing pick bone
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  13. #19110
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    It’s not too bad actually. The beauty of it is there is no layout. I think on the more elaborate scale the layout takes longer than the carving by about double.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

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