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  1. #131
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Where I see injustice I must stand against it. Not to cause trouble intentionally, but to show it for what it is or to say, "This is wrong"!

    I'll admit that causing trouble at B&B will do no-one any good except to give them the impression that members here want to disrupt things there. That was not my intent in posting. My intent was to defend the opinion of a member, an opinion which I share, which has lead to a completely irrational banning. As I suspected, I was punished for only opposing the orthodox views there. I don't give a rat's ass if they ban me or not (and since it seems I was penalized over there for what I said in this thread, I'm half certain they'll take this comment as reason to do so, proving their hypocrisy beyond a shadow of a doubt), but I'm not asking for them to do so. If they're looking for a reason to, they'll invent one. They don't need me to do anything specific at all.

    Trash talking B&B here is also doing no-one any good. But clearly laying out the facts about banned members there and how we like to do things differently here helps us all refocus ourselves onto the gentlemanly qualities we wish to espouse. I'm no saint myself *insert chorus of "That's for sure! " replies* but I at least keep trying to do the right thing and striving to improve at that.

    Personally I'd like to know more about the RW affair, not just recounts, but links to the threads in question and some of the other innuendo that has made it to this thread. I'd rather not listen to the scuttlebutt at all, but get precise examples of how the moderator misconduct has occurred. I am, for today at least, still a member there and would like to know where the land mines are. I'd like to be able to draw my own conclusions.

    That's all just me.


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  3. #132
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    The way RW behaved was just like I expected him to. Very VERY civilised.

    Anything else doesn't matter.
    Last edited by LX_Emergency; 04-15-2008 at 06:47 PM.

  4. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quick Orange View Post
    It's not that no one makes waves, it's that (for the most part) everyone just surfs them and has a good time.
    That's a great saying... I'm going to remember that one!

    Greg Frazer

  5. #134
    Affable Chap Nickelking's Avatar
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    Right, I've read stuff on that other forum on ocassion.... I honestly can't remember if I created an account there or not, but I will say that I'm glad to say that I ound this forum shotrly therafter (it may even have been through that forum... my memory is shot with regards to that.)

    Suffice to say it seems bad things are being done there and in hopes of reducing internet animosity I hope that we can put these things behind us. Long story short screw them and those that still frequent that other forum I hope you all PM those interested in straights to check out this forum.

    Please though, this thread is only dividing us more from a forum that gets some good attention when it comes to "non traditional" shaving methods. Live and let live. If a mod reads this I think this thread should be closed, I won't submit a ticket though as I really feel that it's up to the moderators of this forum to decide how deep this rift should go.

    I aske you all to stand down, this isn't a forum war, no matter how much I despise the circumstances that mike was thrown out for. If every non-banned member of SRP monitors the boards of a site that won't let us mention SRP... we can send a PM to them and let them know about our site.

    If we can find creative ways to link SRP on those forums that wouldn't be offensive it would help.

    Please don't ruin your credibility for Mike, ruin it for SRP. and SRP moderators, I ask again that you close this thread as it only serves to drive a wedge between sites of a common goal.

    Edit: I'm drunk at the moment so I seem to think that I'm JFK

  6. #135
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nickelking View Post
    If a mod reads this I think this thread should be closed
    +1 on that (but I think I already said that..... )

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  8. #136
    Senior Member 2Sharp's Avatar
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    I for one think this thread should be allowed to play itself out. Here we can speak within reason without censorship or banning or post deleting or thread deleting. It is of course up to the mods to make the final decision on this and I accept it. I like this forum because we indeed have the freedom to express our feelings and opinions on a subject. Thank you SRP.

    Last edited by 2Sharp; 04-15-2008 at 12:55 PM.
    Don't go to the light. bj

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  10. #137
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    I'll leave this open. This kind of thing is a recurring problem on a lot of forums. As soon as a lot of people turn Mod they seem to think they're god (I've seen it on a bunch of Rollerblading forums as well...but at least most of the people there are in their least they have an excuse not to be an:

    edit: Also. I still like this picture and I think it's a good reminder. I don't think any of us need to be like this. So instead of having it aimed at someone let's keep it as a reminder for ourselves.
    Last edited by LX_Emergency; 04-15-2008 at 06:47 PM.

  11. #138
    Affable Chap Nickelking's Avatar
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    lol, love the pic

  12. #139
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sharp View Post
    I for one think this thread should be allowed to play itself out. Here we can speak within reason without censorship or banning or post deleting or thread deleting. It is of course up to the mods to make the final decision on this and I accept it. I like this forum because we indeed have the freedom to express our feelings and opinions on a subject. Thank you SRP.


    WAY WAY + 1 on this I was coming back to say the same thing let everyone vent, were big boys here and as many of us have stated what we like best here on SRP is that we can voice our opinions and just so long as it does not devolve to far it is allowed here... So please just let this continue until the fire dies down by itself.....

  13. #140
    Vintage Scent shop clerk Leon's Avatar
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    I feel sorry for you, Mike.
    That mod that banned you sure got up in a bad mood that morning...

    Well... their loss!

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