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Thread: Personal Firearms

  1. #51
    the suited and booted hick Devilpup's Avatar
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    Every night I sleep with an M4 under the bed, mag in safety on chamber empty, and am in the process of getting my CCW and a 1911. I know an M4 isn't the best for home defense but it's the best I have right now and it gets the job done. I'm afraid I cannot argue with a single thing that has been said about my generation. As a whole we are going downhill and I am ashamed to be part of it. Are all kids low-lifes and criminals , no they're not but enough are to ruin things for everyone. As for gun control, it works taking guns from law abiding citizens. AUS actually has seen an increase in not only violent crime but also gun crime since they passed their ban. Bharner had it right, we need to get guns off the street and away from the criminals. As for EDC I carry a couple knives until I can get my permit. Before I felt uneasy but after a two mugging attempts in under a year I feel absolutely unsafe.

    Bharner check out the SIG and the Desert Eagle 1911's. They're both fairly affordable (for a 1911) and come with the features and quality of a much more expensive gun. I'm personally saving for the SIG 1911 traditional stainless compact.
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  2. #52
    Crimson King
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    Quote Originally Posted by epd View Post
    Us poor canadians have been brainwashed into thinking guns are the enemy (sorry guys ).
    At some point I believe we as a population are going to start aquiring firearms for protection, legally or not.
    I am ahead of you on this (aquiring a firearm.) Do not worry- being in Canada I do not own any for protection, just target shooting. In case the CFO is reading this please relax. I took the trigger locks off and took these out of proper storage in order to clean them and snapped a photo of them before making everything legal again.

    For the record, the shotgun is a Mossberg M590A1. The 1911 is a Kimber and on the left is the best gun I have ever handled... a Sig P210. Its claim to fame of being intrinsically accurate is nice, but I am not good enough (read a perfect shot) for it to make a difference to me. I held it at the local shop without knowing anything about the model and instantly knew it had to go home with me.Name:  IMG_8781.jpg
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  3. #53
    Senior Member heelerau's Avatar
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    I have been known to carry a colt navy, get in all sorts of shit iffen I ever have to use it, but at least he will be dead.


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  4. #54
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bharner View Post
    So about as many issues as most 1911s ? I think they're both fine firearms with a little loving. Some day I'll have the money for a good Hi Power and 1911. I swear I've seen a photo or two of Prince Harry carrying a Hi Power.
    Our forces are just starting to replace it. I don't know if they are already done with testing, but I do know that none of those beauties will be sold to Canadian patriots wanting to own a bit of history.. Either sold abroad or melted down

  5. #55
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by d. m. ellington View Post
    Regarding the Browning Hi Power. Jeff Cooper once said that the High Power needed : 1. A trigger Job, a better sit of sights, feed ramp polished, magazine disconector removed and a modified thumb safety. After these modifications it was good to go. This pistol was once the choice of the British SAS, they now use a SIG and was popular with CIA personnel who went into Laos and Cambodia duting the Vietnam War. With the above listed modifications I would feel well armed with the Browning Hi Power provided I had an adequate supple of Corbon Powerball ammunition.
    Jeff Cooper was a quite a pistolero. I've read some of his books as well as those of Elmer Kieth and Bill Jordan.

    I've never felt the need to do any of the above mentioned mods with my old HP.

    I'll leave mine as Mr Browning intended it.

    AS far as Heelerau's Colt Navy? I've NO desire to be on the receiving end of one of those things either. They've got more spank than a .38 Special. LOL

  6. #56
    Luddite ekstrəˌôrdnˈer bharner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT View Post
    Our forces are just starting to replace it. I don't know if they are already done with testing, but I do know that none of those beauties will be sold to Canadian patriots wanting to own a bit of history.. Either sold abroad or melted down
    Excellent. I'll tell my local FFL to keep his eyes open for any Canadian Hi Power imports. If they come available I'll think of you when I buy two .

  7. #57
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bharner View Post
    Excellent. I'll tell my local FFL to keep his eyes open for any Canadian Hi Power imports. If they come available I'll think of you when I buy two .
    If they get sold to the US, I'll find a way to reimport one back and then send photos of it to the Liberal party headquarters
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  8. #58
    Crimson King
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT View Post
    Our forces are just starting to replace it. I don't know if they are already done with testing, but I do know that none of those beauties will be sold to Canadian patriots wanting to own a bit of history.. Either sold abroad or melted down
    Because the contract was that Colt in Canada would actually produce the weapons it will take time to actually replace them (they will not just import a weapon completed in Europe if they chose the design- they will have to get the Canadian factory set up to produce it.) Expected delivery will be 2015.

    In the mean time, please feel safe that you will never see one for sale. By the looks of things, they will not see them South of the boarder either. It is funny- even if they sold them for $250 each they would be able to recoup almost 5 million in a time when the government is cutting programs to save a few grand. From Canadian Forces Browning Hi-Power Pistols To Be Melted Down | Ottawa Citizen
    Josée Hunter, a Defence Department spokeswoman, told Defence Watch that the 19,000 Browning Hi-Powers in service will be smelted at local foundries.

    “The Department of National Defence and the CF are committed to the safe disposal of firearms,” she noted.

    “DND and the CF employ strict control procedures over firearms inventories, from their acquisition through to disposal. In this case, as the old 9mm pistols are restricted and controlled goods, they will not be sold to the public,” she added.

    I suppose that it is for the best. Can you imagine the uproar if somebody actually employed one of these to kill somebody? (if they were sold to the public.)
    Last edited by dolf; 07-22-2012 at 07:57 PM.

  9. #59
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dolf View Post
    I suppose that it is for the best. Can you imagine the uproar if somebody actually employed one of these to kill somebody? (if they were sold to the public.)
    I'm sure there were traffic fatalities involving vehicles sold at government auctions
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  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by bharner View Post
    LOL. We may have issues with gun crime down here but at least we have the freedom to own them.
    I'd say the bigger issue is the destitute folks in urban areas who don't have anything to lose and who don't have the wherewithal to move out so they turn to crime.
    We may lack some of the social safetey nets you Canuks have but I'm not a huge fan of government entitlement programs without massive restrictions on them.

    Once someone is used to getting paid just to be alive and/or pop out babies with few restrictions (see our crappy welfare, foodstamps, ssi/ssdi programs in the US) they feel entitled to things because they are used to getting money with no output from them and have no issues taking from others (because the govt is taking from others to keep them alive).

    Sorry to go O/T there... but basically we need to just destroy most urban areas in the US and start from scratch
    One doesn't have to have a doctors degree in statistics to quickly realize there is zero positive correlation between gun laws and murder rates.
    Washington DC, Buffalo NY, Newark NJ, Oakland CA, Baltimore MD..
    If gun control worked those cities (with the strictest gun control in the entire country) would NOT be top five on the highest homicide rate ranking.

    On the other hand you have states like Vermont, NH, Montana, North dakota and Maine which have close to zero gun laws, including no permit needed for carrying, and gun registration is outright illegal. These states have much fewer murders per capita than just about all the EU countries.

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