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Thread: Hone of the Day

  1. #701
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    “I never tighten the stone down it's basically a holder no need to secure the stones when honing for me.”

    Never tighten mine down either, for Super Stones just set on top of the rubber. I use stones from different manufactures and sizes and found you don’t need to tighten them down.

    I just butt the stone up to the front bumper and make sure the middle rubber is midway between the two end rubbers. A dab of Super Lube synthetic silicone lube on the bars make them slid easy and adjusting the rubbers smooth, last for month. A dab on the threads with a brush, also keeps them from rusting.

    No worries of contaminating the stones, just a dab and excess wiped off, been doing it for years.

    I do keep my holders clean removing the swarf and wash the holder in running water and scotch brite sponge and the plastic tray they sit in while honing, when moving up in grits especially the finish stone. They still look new after years of use.

  2. #702
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    One in today for honing a Dovo Bismark only needed going back to the 8K hone then 12K finished on the SG 20K.

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    “Wherever you’re going never take an idiot with you, you can always find one when you get there.”

  3. #703
    Senior Member Damo's Avatar
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    having resolved that I need to get to a stage of my life when I have a bit more time to truly learn the art of bevel setting and pre-polishing, I have since limited myself to touch ups. I did a few razors today on either a coticule, or a Naniwa 12K-JNAT to finish combination. This is actually a NOS Spanish 14, which was popping hairs when it came with the factory edge. I simply put it over the 12K and then lapped on clear water with the JNAT. Fingers crossed for a good shave on monday!!!! iphone photo, sorry

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  4. #704
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    Five up for honing Sunday afternoon, the TI also needed repinning + the blade was not centering correctly, it also had a small nick in the middle of the blade they are all sorted and ready to hit the hones.

    “Wherever you’re going never take an idiot with you, you can always find one when you get there.”

  5. #705
    Modine MODINE's Avatar
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    Hone on the range. Here's a some crazy Russian stain-less type steel. Oozuki type j-nat, chasing slurry.

    Chasing slurry on a Barbers Delight Escher.

    The Barbers Delight Escher is a select grade Yellow/Green thuringian stone. Mike

  6. #706
    I love Burls....... and Acrylic HARRYWALLY's Avatar
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    I really like this combination of finishing with my 13k Sigma Power select ii, followed by my 6x2 Zulu Grey. I have read mixed reviews about the Sigma stones, and have had a fellow member ask me about the stone saying his experience with it has been that it leaves a toothy edge. I do find that the stone feels coarser than the 8k side of my Norton, but the polish improves quite a bit after using the Sigma 13k, and I don't find the toothy edge apparent.

    After my Norton 4/8, I move to the Sigma 13k and do 10 passes. Then raise a light slurry with the provided Zulu grey rubbing stone, and do a dilution after 12-14 strokes. After 4 or 5 dilutions I end with very very light strokes on water. The resulting edge is an arm hair grabber without stropping. I really enjoy this edge, and also love doing this entire honing method.... Very relaxing!

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    Last edited by HARRYWALLY; 04-03-2016 at 05:16 PM.
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    Burls, Girls, and all things that Swirl....

  7. #707
    Senior Member Straightrazor72's Avatar
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    Hone Of The Night
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  8. #708
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I don't normally bother with the Escher on more contemporary hard American steel. But since these are mostly quite old, I am splitting the finishing chores with Naniwa 12k followed by a bit of the blue-green.

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    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  9. #709
    Senior Member dinnermint's Avatar
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    So. Purdy.
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  10. #710
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Wow Sharptonn that is a beautiful set. Are those scales all MOP?

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