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Thread: Today's Workout Thread

  1. #881
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    Quote Originally Posted by whoever View Post
    Switchvup the set orderscto change the monotony
    If I think you wrote what I think you wrote, the sets are in order for a reason, that being they work opposing muscles back to back. (Eg. chest-upper back, bicep-tricep, etc.) Also, the heavy leg work is saved for last as to not burn out at the beginning of the workout. It's not monotonous, the lack of motivation derives from the little recovery time between workouts. Just takes a bit of time to adjust to this routine, unlike a split routine where every muscle has a week to recover until the next workout.
    Last edited by Firefighter2; 06-19-2015 at 03:11 AM.
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  2. #882
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    Change the order you do tris and bus, so what if u lift less weight u brake the menotiny and best of all you kept your on/off day ached uke
    Quote Originally Posted by Firefighter2 View Post
    If I think you wrote what I think you wrote, the sets are in order for a reason, that being they work opposing muscles back to back. (Eg. chest-upper back, bicep-tricep, etc.) Also, the heavy leg work is saved for last as to not burn out at the beginning of the workout. It's not monotonous, the lack of motivation derives from the little recovery time between workouts. Just takes a bit of time to adjust to this routine, unlike a split routine where every muscle has a week to recover until the next workout.
    "If you want it, that's what you do best" - Woz
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  3. #883
    Senior Member Scareface's Avatar
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    Cycled 25 miles this morn, yesterday, and the day before.
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    It's a dog eat dog world and I have on milk bone underwear.

  4. #884
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    After big Father's day breakfast, going to drop the kids off at the pool , and then head over to the gym.....

  5. #885
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firefighter2 View Post
    If I think you wrote what I think you wrote, the sets are in order for a reason, that being they work opposing muscles back to back. (Eg. chest-upper back, bicep-tricep, etc.) Also, the heavy leg work is saved for last as to not burn out at the beginning of the workout. It's not monotonous, the lack of motivation derives from the little recovery time between workouts. Just takes a bit of time to adjust to this routine, unlike a split routine where every muscle has a week to recover until the next workout.
    ya ya

    that be it
    "If you want it, that's what you do best" - Woz
    "if you ain't bleedin', you ain't learnin'" -me
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  6. #886
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    15 mile bike ride this morning. Ya know what, this stuff actually works. Right before Christmas I decided I was tired of being a sick old fat man and feeling like I was dying at 52 years old. I had been diagnosed with high blood pressure and Type II diabetes and took a handful of pills every day. Once I started 5 days a week PT and a dramatic reduction in junk food intake the excess weight started disappearing at an alarming rate. Last March I was taken off one of the two BP meds I was on and my dosage of cholesterol and diabetes meds was cut in half.

    To date I've dropped about 35 LBS and feel better than I have for years. I've just return from a doctor's appointment and DIABETES HAS LEFT THE BUILDING!!! I was instructed to stop taking metaphormin all together because nothing in my lab work suggest I was diabetic (A1C of 5.8 and glucose of 102). My running and biking isn't impressively fast yet but I"ve come a long way since I started this and I'm sure it will keep improving. The weight loss slowed down a lot once I lost the first 30 LBS or so but I"m still loosing a couple pounds a week.

    Now the hard part starts. The doc said he was almost certain that if I quit dipping snuff I could probably come off the remainder of my meds. This is really going to suck as I've dipped every day since I was like 13 but maybe its time to stop. I don't really want to but maybe it's time, ya know. Anyway, I"m gonna finish this can and give it a go. That scene from the movie Ray when Ray Charles is locked in a padded room going through heroin withdraw comes to mind
    The older I get, the better I was

  7. #887
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    Great, I'd be surprised what just cutting sugar will do
    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    15 mile bike ride this morning. Ya know what, this stuff actually works. Right before Christmas I decided I was tired of being a sick old fat man and feeling like I was dying at 52 years old. I had been diagnosed with high blood pressure and Type II diabetes and took a handful of pills every day. Once I started 5 days a week PT and a dramatic reduction in junk food intake the excess weight started disappearing at an alarming rate. Last March I was taken off one of the two BP meds I was on and my dosage of cholesterol and diabetes meds was cut in half.

    To date I've dropped about 35 LBS and feel better than I have for years. I've just return from a doctor's appointment and DIABETES HAS LEFT THE BUILDING!!! I was instructed to stop taking metaphormin all together because nothing in my lab work suggest I was diabetic (A1C of 5.8 and glucose of 102). My running and biking isn't impressively fast yet but I"ve come a long way since I started this and I'm sure it will keep improving. The weight loss slowed down a lot once I lost the first 30 LBS or so but I"m still loosing a couple pounds a week.

    Now the hard part starts. The doc said he was almost certain that if I quit dipping snuff I could probably come off the remainder of my meds. This is really going to suck as I've dipped every day since I was like 13 but maybe its time to stop. I don't really want to but maybe it's time, ya know. Anyway, I"m gonna finish this can and give it a go. That scene from the movie Ray when Ray Charles is locked in a padded room going through heroin withdraw comes to mind
    "If you want it, that's what you do best" - Woz
    "if you ain't bleedin', you ain't learnin'" -me
    remember all, each thanks given will ... (virtual ego +1)

  8. #888
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    That is quite the achievement 1OldGI. Congratulations on your success!

  9. #889
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    Today was upper body routine:
    10 min exercise bike followed by dynamic stretches
    Bench press 3 sets x 6 reps
    Swimmers press 2 x 8
    Last pull downs 3 x 10
    Front side lifts 2 x 10
    Superman 2 x 10( 2 sec hold)
    Bicycles 2 x 20
    10 min cool down on exercise bike
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  10. #890
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    1Old GI:
    Congratulations & keep the work up. Exercising does the body wonders, whether it's pumping iron or cardio, it's all for the better. Kinda' a miracle, sending the diabetes packin' like that.

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