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Thread: What are you working on?

  1. #14891
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Minor regrinds are totally doable by hand. A major however requires a belt grinder. I have done a handful both ways. The belt grinder is an expensive but very great tool for blade makers and people doing restoration. I believe the Cadillac of them is a Bader brand. The take some instruction and practice as well. Best show up in Texas for a few February’s if you put one on your shopping list.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  2. #14892
    Senior Member jfk742's Avatar
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    I’d just give the wostie A couple pieces of tape and hone it. I have a Joseph Elliot with worse hone wear and tried hand regrinding it. To do it right would of taken days worth of work. I gave up after getting some of the pitting out. She needs three pieces of tape but she sure shaves fine.
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    Can’t even tell the hone wear is there after some strategic sanding.
    Last edited by jfk742; 12-04-2018 at 04:01 AM.

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  4. #14893
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Hey! You never know!

    On some of the well-worn oldies it is all pasted strop wear.
    Sometimes, re-establishing the bevel is easier than it looked!

  5. #14894
    Senior Member sonnythehooligan's Avatar
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    JFK742, I liked your post and you added the picture just after. There should be an option for a double like. Cool blade!

    Like I mentioned, someone in the not too distant past has put an edge on that Wostenholm- that edge is awfully sharp to be completely done. I'll start with a honing session and see where that leads me.

    Rez, when it comes to evening out the spine would that result in a larger but even bevel? If so, could that large bevel effect then be overcome with use of tape?
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  6. #14895
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    That's my thoughts on it, Sonny. I honed a wedge for MrZ, that had horrible hone wear at the toe. The spine width from heal to toe, was .020 "difference. A bit of tape layering brought it back close to even.

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  8. #14896
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Taking the show of the hone wear from below the spine is purely cosmetic. It does take a lot of work to straighten the bevel. You may be fine after a honing. Try a few layers of tape and set the bevel, you may be surprised in a good way. However it may shave like a dream with a crooked bevel or not.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  9. #14897
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I got a little ham fisted tightening the vice on the engraver block. In doin so I cracked one of my scales. So I was left with the choice of should I remake one side or go with liners. I decided liners for this occasion. Red 0.036” G-10 and I will use a black horn wedge.
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    A long time ago Geezer aka Richard had mentioned using a file instead of sandpaper to ensure the edges did not round down. So I filed the sheen off of the G-10 to get good adhesion. Latex gloves and everything got a thorough cleaning with acetone, then glued together. I used a cold cure two part glue from fibre tech. It has worked well in the past. They are waiting to dry so I will have to start another project.
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    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

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    sharptonn (12-05-2018)

  11. #14898
    32t is offline
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    Looks like a good choice.

    Sometimes you have to just go with the flow.

  12. #14899
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    While waiting for my glue to dry I cleaned up a Henckels 11V and fixed some chips on the edge of the scales of this W&B. I have a set of scales in the dye proccess right now that I started today.
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    Last edited by RezDog; 12-05-2018 at 12:25 AM. Reason: Oops I forgot the picture.
    Geezer, sharptonn, 32t and 7 others like this.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

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  14. #14900
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Busy Boy, Rez!

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    Luckily, I am very busy trying to make money. Paying for the last spurt of razor madness.
    Keep us entertained!

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