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Thread: What are you working on?

  1. #4951
    Senior Member Panama60's Avatar
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    It's fit for human habitation. How do I know? A friend of 45 years has been living in it since July. Why? Let me hit the high points.
    Corrupt real estate agent has an idea about a residential addition across the road from a strip mall located at the 3rd busiest inter-
    section in town. He greases the palms of our lack-lusterious corrupt city council. Imminent domain. Home owners forced out. Scott
    was one. Houses torn down or hauled off. Only houses left belong to said real estate agent. This has been going on for over 3 years.
    I'm still working with Scott on his depression. He shared the house with his brother until he passed from cancer in February. The kid
    has hit a rough patch. So, as his best friend, I stepped up and lost my shop. No probs, I'm okay with it or I wouldn't have made the offer.

    Sorry, I forgot to say that said real estate agent and city council want to develop another strip mall at this location.
    Last edited by Panama60; 09-28-2016 at 11:42 PM.

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Panama60 For This Useful Post:

    cudarunner (09-29-2016), engine46 (09-29-2016)

  3. #4952
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Good on ya for helping him out. That is some shady stuff. They should have to buy it for top dollar, if you ask me.

  4. #4953
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Good on ya for helping him out. That is some shady stuff. They should have to buy it for top dollar, if you ask me.
    +1 to the above. Good on ya brother!
    Geezer, outback and Thug like this.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
    Steven Wright

  5. #4954
    Senior Member blabbermouth ejmolitor37's Avatar
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    So this is a 5/8 wade and butcher wedge i got 2 the other is a bit smaller. When she arrived it was rusty and pitted. Still some pitting but felt i didnt want to go to far and lose to much metal. This is by far my biggest undertaking so ill stay safe this time. The makers mark was already missing a bit so i didnt do much there either. Now get some horn ordered next week and try making scales. Still gonna do some more hand polishing from here.

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  6. #4955
    Senior Member BeJay's Avatar
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    Just putting the finishing touches on this STIZ. I've had a handful of these Soviet blades and I've become very fond of them. They're very utilitarian in they're production with few cosmetic frills. This one carries its markings on the scales instead of the blade. It has the STIZ logo and (as best as I can translate) UZKAYA, which translates to "narrow" in English(blade is 9/16). The 50 refers to the year of production. The markings are not molded into the scales(like most), but are instead hot stamped into them. So you can't slop the paint on and wipe it off the top. Instead I painted it line by line with a toothpick. the original paint was white but I went with gold because it's what I had and I've seen it used on other STIZ scales. I considered block sanding it flat and wiping the paint for a cleaner look, but I feel that would take away from its STIZ charm. The wedge on this one is some kind of purple material that smelled like burning rubber on the polisher. Not a Bakelite kinda smell either. More like a slipping belt on a vacume cleaner kinda smell. The scales had sanding marks from the fitting of the wedge and again I held back from "correcting" this because, well, it's a STIZ. In my limited experience, the Soviet blades I've worked with are pretty hard steel and take(and keep) great edges. Ill soon find out about this one.
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  7. #4956
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panama60 View Post
    It's fit for human habitation. How do I know? A friend of 45 years has been living in it since July. Why? Let me hit the high points.
    Corrupt real estate agent has an idea about a residential addition across the road from a strip mall located at the 3rd busiest inter-
    section in town. He greases the palms of our lack-lusterious corrupt city council. Imminent domain. Home owners forced out. Scott
    was one. Houses torn down or hauled off. Only houses left belong to said real estate agent. This has been going on for over 3 years.
    I'm still working with Scott on his depression. He shared the house with his brother until he passed from cancer in February. The kid
    has hit a rough patch. So, as his best friend, I stepped up and lost my shop. No probs, I'm okay with it or I wouldn't have made the offer.

    Sorry, I forgot to say that said real estate agent and city council want to develop another strip mall at this location.

    There's proof land grabbers are still here today!
    sharptonn and Martin103 like this.

  8. #4957
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin103 View Post
    ... that said these shields look thick to me like they are not fitted into the scales but rather sit on them. In the old days the cutler used a parser to make the indentation to fit the shield flush with the scale material.
    That's true, the shields are pinned onto the scales and not fitted into, but I'll get there eventually. I have some old carved scales I intend to use for this purpose

  9. #4958
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    After I cut the grooves to inlay the wire

    And nearly two hours after ...

    ...and it doesn't get any nearer to what a humble worker could achieve 200 yrs ago. Those guys must have been incredible

    Just the thought I have 5 more to go makes me cry, literally.

  10. #4959
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moutonrouge View Post
    After I cut the grooves to inlay the wire

    And nearly two hours after ...

    ...and it doesn't get any nearer to what a humble worker could achieve 200 yrs ago. Those guys must have been incredible

    Just the thought I have 5 more to go makes me cry, literally.
    Many years ago when the world and I were young I was reminiscing with my father about how I used to watch my Granny (his mother) take a small paring knife and start at the stem end of an apple and as she peeled the peeling would be about 3/8" all the way to the bottom of the apple and that the peel never broke until she was at the bottom of the apple.

    I told him that no matter how I tried I couldn't repeat the task that she made look so simple.

    Dad said: "You could do it too.. IF you'd peeled as many apples as that old woman had.

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  11. #4960
    Senior Member blabbermouth ejmolitor37's Avatar
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    The wade and butcher i shared last night i have a question, when un pinning the pivot there were 2 sets of collars on each side. Is this normal? Only looked like 1 per side until it came apart then there was 2 per side.

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