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Thread: The Butchered Blade

  1. #1481
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Missed that thread, have no idea how!!
    Thanks Thomas!!
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  2. #1482
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeB52 View Post
    G'day I leave 1/32-1/16" between the toe of the blade tip to the top of the wedge inside corner as measured when closing. Using the microfastener nut and bolt combo to mock everything tight first.
    Any more and it seems to look to far away when fully closed.
    It's all measured in the arc when closing, and having a good pivot pin. If you have a lot of slop at the pivot, you will need more wedge clearance to ensure no impact in the future.
    Happy Monday lads!
    Sounds right to me.
    I like using geezers tip..
    Use a compass, like you had in school with the pencil attached to it.
    Put the needle in the pivot hole of the razor and open it till the pencil reaches the end of the blade and just past it by 1/16- 1/32".
    Now you can use it to measure the distance inside the scales.
    Mark the scales with the pencil, thats were your wedge needs to stop.
    Hope thats clear to ya
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  3. #1483
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    This should give you an idea of how messed up the tang is. I mocked it up with the washers, and light sanded where the washers sit. My thought was if the washers are more or less pronounced at the pivot it should affect the tip. Whatever I did it must have been the opposite because it made things worse, just slightly but still noticeable. Grr, this is so frustrating!

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    Last edited by prodigy; 10-06-2015 at 02:27 AM.
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  4. #1484
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Hey Prodigy, I had the same problem with pics from my phone. Had to do with the resolution format I was sending them as.

    Regarding the bent tang, and I only did this on one razor so far, I had one similar and straightened the tang with a deadblow hammer while the razor was held firmly in a machinist vice.
    I wrapped the blade in electrical tape to protect it, then set the spine and tang tight in the vice, not the blade. Set it in the vice so the start of the bend was just outside the vice's grip and applied some whack's with the deadblow, or shot filled hammer.
    Straightened it right out.

    caveat: some have broken their blades trying this, others have applied heat first and thermal insulating compound to prevent the heat from affecting blade temper. I started with light blows, non metallic hammer and found the metal tang fairly 'springy', increased my hit weight until I was moving the tang. Didn't need much in my case. No heat and no change of temper.
    Vice must be bolted down firmly to the bench, and razor must be held very tight in vice. No movement permissible or this will not work.
    Just information of things I've tried.
    Good luck.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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  6. #1485
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    The beauty of the mock up is it is easy to try different things to get it to sit right. If you are frustrated then put it away for a while and come back to it. You will be happier with your best work than being frustrated and not going as far as you want to. We all hit the wall from time to time.
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  7. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to RezDog For This Useful Post:

    MikeT (10-06-2015), sharptonn (10-06-2015)

  8. #1486
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    Yea I snapped a razor last time I went with the bend it back approach. I'm letting it sit for now, no rush and I don't want to mess up these scales. I'm talking with glen through PM to see if it's something I'll be able to do or not. I'd rather send it off than mess it up, as much as I like learning how to do these things myself.
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  9. #1487
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Try it with no washers/spacers. Is it better?
    In a Henckels, I doubt the tang is warped. I think, at most, one side of the tang was ground more extreme than the other. The scales may be the issue?
    Think about how to cure it. In fact, think of how to accommodate it, instead!
    Last edited by sharptonn; 10-06-2015 at 02:03 AM.
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  10. #1488
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    Good evening gents!
    My projects are on hold. But I'm having a good time reading this because even when I feel that I've got pinning, pivot holes, warped blades, and all that... I still find myself every now and then frustrated with a PITA blade that won't center! It happens to the best (except for Dr Sharptonn), and we just got to put it down and come back refreshed and fix it.
    Though I think it's also a good idea to send it out. Just talk to him about exactly what it was he did to fix it. And perhaps next time you will decide to fix it.
    Gotta know when and where to draw the line.
    I sent my W&B celebrated out to get honed, not ready on the skill level yet, it was the smart choice i think.

    Thanks for the info! I also need to get better at pinning blades center.
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    “You must unlearn what you have learned.”
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  11. #1489
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Try it with no washers/spacers. Is it better?
    In a Henckels, I doubt the tang is warped. I think, at most, one side of the tang was ground more extreme than the other. The scales may be the issue?
    Think about how to cure it. In fact, think of how to accommodate it, instead!
    I'm surprised as well. It's not straight, I promise. When it's resting flat, with pressure on the tang, one side is fine. The other side, the tip of the razor is at least 1 cm off the table. When holding it against a flat object it's visible with the naked eye. I'll try and take another picture tomorrow with an actual camera so it doesn't auto rotate.
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  12. #1490
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    Sounds right to me.
    I like using geezers tip..
    Use a compass, like you had in school with the pencil attached to it.
    Put the needle in the pivot hole of the razor and open it till the pencil reaches the end of the blade and just past it by 1/16- 1/32".
    Now you can use it to measure the distance inside the scales.
    Mark the scales with the pencil, thats were your wedge needs to stop.
    Hope thats clear to ya

    I've done it that way too Mike.

    Oh hey everyone, what up? Too much bs going on but dealing with it. I was playing refrigerator man earlier because a part I got came in so I
    m not going to say how it is running now or I'll jinx myself.
    Just got done spending some quality time with Gloria. Just finished honing. Stropping is next but I'll do that in just a bit.

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    I'll take her for a spin in just awhile or in the morning.
    Last edited by engine46; 10-06-2015 at 04:52 AM.

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